Mr. Squarepants Born
Mr. Squarepants was born at 42 weeks in Green Bay, WI. No complications at birth. Parents divorced before birth of him, and like his older brother, his grandparents adopt him. He grows up being physically and verbally abused by his grandmother, so he moves out at age 17. -
Mrs. Squarepants Born
Mrs. Squarepants is born a healthy baby girl in Wisconsin Rapids, WI. She was born preterm at 32 weeks, but not other complications at birth. She is the youngest of 4 children, and the first baby girl in her family. -
Mr. Squarepants meets Mrs. Puff, and have first kid.
Mr. Squarepants meets Mrs. Puff at school and they start dating. 1 year and 2 months later they have their first kid Plankton. Plankton had no complications at birth that they noticed. As Plankton got older they realized he has an Autism Spectrum Disorder and the stress of this child caused a lot of fighting between Mr. Squarepants and Mrs. Puff and they separate. Mrs. Puff got full custody of Plankton, and Mr. Squarepants only gets visiting hours every other weekend. -
Mrs. Squarepants meets Larry, and have their first kid Gary.
Mrs. Squarepants meets Larry who is the son of a family friend. They start dating and in the fall of 2006 they have a baby boy named Gary. Gary is born full-term with no complications. Mrs. Squarepants and Larry grow apart and eventually separate. They have joint custody of Gary so Mrs. Squarepants gets him Monday through Thursday, and Larry gets him on Friday through Sunday. -
Mr. and Mrs. Squarepants meet.
Mr. and Mrs. Squarepants meet earlier in the year at work, and on this day they decide to let Gary and Plankton meet. They went to an amusement park and they had a wonderful time. This reaffirms Mr. and Mrs. Squarepant's thoughts about getting married since they all get along so well. -
Mr. and Mrs. Squarepants get married
Mr. and Mrs. Squarepants meet in 2010, and they decide to get married a year later. They both have one kid and have been in previous relationships, but they get along so well that they feel as if this marriage will last. They talk about having another kid together but want to wait until they get settled into their new home with new jobs. -
Mr. and Mrs. Squarepants go on vacation
Mr. and Mrs. Sqaurepants save up their money and go to Florida for the week. This is the first time that Mr. Squarepants and her get into a serious fight and he hits her. They have a good time overall, but Mrs. Squarepants is afraid he will hit her again if she argues with him. -
Mr. and Mrs. Squarepants get a divorce.
Mr. Squarepants has been verbally and physically abusing his wife. She recently found out she was pregnant, and decides to not only divorce Mr. Squarepants, but also get a restraining order on him to protect the health of not only herself, but her baby as well. She ended up calling the police on him for hitting her, and he was arrested. -
Baby Shower
Mrs. Squarepant's closest friends Sandy and Squidward plan a baby shower for her. Her mom and sister, as well as many other friends and family attend. They have recently heard about the restraining order, and want to do everything they can to support Mrs. Squarepants. They all have a wonderful time, and Mrs. Squarepants gets a lot of gifts for baby Spongebob. -
Mrs. Squarepant's 36 week Ultrasound
Mrs. Squarepants went in for a routine ultrasound at 36 weeks. She had refused a CVS and an amniocentesis in earlier trimesters. When the doctor looked at the ultrasound he said that there were many markers that correlate with Down's Syndrome, and while this is not diagnositc, they are very suspicious of these findings. This news adds a ton of extra stress on Mr. and Mrs. Squarepants because they do not know that much about Down's Syndrome, and do not know what to expect. -
Baby Spongebob is Born
Spongebob was born at 40 weeks. He did not have any wet diapers for an entire day, and when screening was performed, they found our he had duodenal atresia. The family is then educated on this condition and decide to send Spongebob into surgery the next day. They knew he was going to have Down's Syndrome and that he was predisposed to multiple conditions, but they were not expecting to have to make this decision so soon. -
Spongebob's first surgery
Spongebob was born with duodenal atresia, which requires immediate surgery for him to pass liquids/food and get enough nutrition to survive. This condition is where the duodenum is closed off so nothing can pass into the intestine. This was one of Mrs. Squarepants hardest decisions to make considering she is already so emotionally and physically exhausted from the birth. The surgery ended up taking 2 hours, and Spongebob was sent to the NICU straight after, and recovered well. -
Pre-op Meeting
Mr. and Mrs. Squarepants and their son Spongebob go in for a pre-op meeting where they meet with the doctors/surgeon. Mr. and Mrs. Squarepants cannot seem to get along so social work gets involved. Spongebob gets his vitals taken and is assessed. It is agreed that Spongebob will not need any Versed because he is a very calm baby and is not experiencing any stranger anxiety yet. The parents decide to let security escort them to the surgery, and do their best to get along for Spongebob. -
Spongebob's heart surgery
Spongebob undergoes an 8 hour surgery in which they repair his AV canal and also a couple of his heart valves. At this time Spongebob is already going into mild CHF, and his work of breathing has increased. Both parents are present during the pre-op period but the stress of seeing each other only increases tensions in the room. The surgery goes well, and Mrs. Squarepants meets her baby post-op as he is sent to the NICU. -
Mrs. Squarepant's mom and sister comfort her in the waiting room
Mrs. Squarepants is emotionally drained, but she is comforted in the waiting room by her mom and sister. Mr. Squarepants does not want anything to do with her and her family, but like they discussed in their social work meeting the day before, they both need to pull it together and be strong for Spongebob.