Square Books

By Anders3
  • William Faulkner born

    William Faulkner born
  • William Faulkner died

    William Faulkner died
    W. Faulkner was buried in Saint Peter's Cemetery.
  • Ole Miss Riot

    Ole Miss Riot
  • Square Books Founded

  • Moved store to the former Blaylock Drug Store building.

    Moved store to the former Blaylock Drug Store building.
    Not an exact date, but the move happened in 1986.
  • Off Square Books opened

    Off Square Books opened
    Off Square Books opened in late 1993. (not an exact date)
  • Square Books, Jr. opened

    Square Books, Jr. opened
    Again, I couldn't find an exact date of when Sqaure Books, Jr. opened, other than it being 2003.