
  • Period: to

    Lesson 1

    finished videos 1 and 2
    Facts -
    Videos showed how to edit and save a spreadsheet. Emotion -
    Was ever easy because it saves like every other Microsoft application. Benefit -
    If people in the class didn't know how to save the document then now they know. Ideas -
    Was good to refresh on the very basics. Planning -
    Going to carry on the videos to increase my knowledge of spreadsheets. Judgment -
    Was a high quality video, easy to understand, will carry on using them.
  • Period: to

    Lesson 2

    Did videos 3-5
    emotion -
    Starting to get more into the good stuff. Benefit -
    I did not know that you can not just drag and drop images into the spreadsheet, so I've learned that. Ideas -
    Should get more done in the next lesson, was working out kinks. Planning -
    Next lesson I plan to do more work. Judgment -
    This lesson was a lot more beneficial than the last lesson, actually learned something.
  • Period: to

    Lesson 3

    Facts - Did video's 7-11
    Emotion - happy and i learned something.
    Benefit - I learned how to copy and paste images while also learning the windows copy shortcut doesn't work.
    idea - not knowing the windows copy shortcut doesn't work just made me think you couldn't paste anything into excel.
    Planning - going to get to video 12 while doing the word doc given.
    Judgment - overall this lesson was good since i learned something
  • Lesson 4

    I did videos 3-12, wanted to try and get further but had to redo all my work since it didn't save. I found videos 9-12 a lot more educational than all the others, learning new things. learned that there are buttons for money and percentage and there's an autofill button. next lesson I will try and finish more videos since I won't have to back track like I did this lesson. although the work not being save was annoying, i found today's lesson very educationals.