Spread of the Black Death

  • 1320

    Gobi Desert

    Bubonic plague broke out in Gobi Desert in China and started to spread rapidly
  • 1338

    Lake Issyk Kul

    The plague then spread to Central Asia near Lake Issyk Kul
  • 1345

    Lower Volga River

    The plague was then spread down the Lower Volga River
  • 1346

    Crimea and Caucasus

    The plague then spread through to southern Russia
  • 1347


    Another ship carried the plague over and rapidly spread
  • 1347

    Messina, Sicily

    12 ships from Genoa carried the plague to Sicily in Italy
  • 1347


    The plague was spread to Constaninople by rats on ships
  • 1347

    Italy and Greece

    Fleas were carried by people who were from Asia who were traveling along the trading routes all the way to Italy and then Greece
  • 1347


    It then spread to Egypt because of people trading from Constantinople
  • 1348

    Britain and Ireland

    Rats started to get infected by fleas and started biting people in Britain and Ireland
  • 1348

    Genoa, Venice

    The plague spread to Venice by more Genoese ships carrying flea infested rats
  • 1349

    Northern Europe

    The plague slowly started to spread to Northern Europe because of Genoese traders
  • 1349


    It was thought that the plague spread to Mecca because of infected pilgrims during the Haji celebration
  • 1351


    In 1351 the plague travelled all the way to Yemen
  • 1353


    The plague spread all the way to Moscow and by the time this happened 50 million people had died including around half of Europes population at the time