Adam-Onis Treaty of 1819
The United States gained Florida from Spain and gave up claim to Texas. Both countries gained land and the treaty was named for John Quincy Adams and Don Luis De Onis. -
Missouri Compromise
Misouri wanted to be admitted as a slave state, but that would upset the balance between slave and free states. In the Missouri compromise, Missouri gets its request but Maine is also admitted as a free state. Also an imaginary line is drawn across the country dividing slave and free states. -
Monroe Doctrine
The Monroe Doctrine was included in Monroe seventh annual address to Congress. It stated that the U.S. would stay out of European affairs and that the European countries needed to stop attempting to colonize the Americas. -
1824 Presidential Election
There were four candidates in the Election of 1824. Henry H. Crawford, Henry Clay, John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson. The elction came down to John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson had the most electoral votes, but he did not have a majority, so the decision went to congress. Henry Clay influenced people to vote for Adams, and so Adams was elected. -
Corrupt Bargain Claims
Jackson and his friends claimed that Adams had made a corrupt bargain to become president. Jackson claimed that Adams had said that he would make Henry Clay Secretary of State in exchange for his support in the election. -
John Quincy Adams
John Quincy Adams became president in the election of 1824. He barely beat Andrew Jackson and was soundly defeated by him in 1828. John Quincy Adams was elected by congress instead of by electoral vote, because no party had the majority. -
Election of 1828
In 1828 Jackson ran for president again. He won by a landslide and took the presidency. He campagined to the people instead of relying on established political ideas. This won him the votes of the common people. -
Jacksonian Democracy
Jackson believed that the country had been corrupted by special privelege. He believed that the best way to have a democratic society was for everyone to accept everything that was voted on. -
Whig Party is Formed
The whig party was formed in response to Jacksons authoritarian policies. They believed in stronger federal actions and many of Jacksons critics were in the Whig Party.