spread of black death timeline

By Hayl33
  • 1320

    Gobi desert

    the Golbi Desert is where we believe the Black Death first broke out.
  • 1338

    Lake Issyk Kul

    it was in the very center of asia. Spyrou and her college's found the teeth of three people who was buried near lake issyk kul who had the Black Death. This is the oldest evidence we have about the Black Death.
  • 1345

    lower volga river

    the black death entered the basin of the lower volga river and spreaded all around but did spread thought russia.
  • 1346

    Crimea and Caucasus

    The black death travelled from southern Russia to Kuffa on the Crimea.
  • 1347


    since it was one of the largest cities, trade from boats and ships brought the plague over to Alexandria.
  • 1347


    This is where the first wave hit hard. It stayed in Constantinople for 100 year.
  • 1347

    Italy and Greece

    it is believed that the plague arrived in europe via the sicilian port of messina.
  • 1347


    since it was one of the largest cities, trade from boats and ships brought the plague over to Egypt.
  • 1347

    messina, sicily

    The plague reached here because a ship came from Crimea and Asia. On the ship there wasn't just sailors but rats which carried the plague.
  • 1348

    Genoa, Venice

    the plague enter venus through the genoese ships that carried the infection to their home port.
  • 1348

    Britain and ireland

    the plague arrived in the british isles, via a gascon sailor, in melcombe in dorset,
  • 1349


    it was believed that the plague hit Mecca because of infected pilgrims on the haji.
  • 1349

    Northern Europe

    The plague got to Northern Europe via the Silk Road and killed most of Europe's population.
  • 1351


    the plague came to yeman because the king and his attendees carried the plague home from their trip.
  • 1353


    Moscow was greatly damaged by the p;auge, but after it hit moscow it slowly came to a fall.