Spotify - history of brand

  • Foundation

    Business consultant Daniel Ek and his employer Martin Lorentzon came up with an idea of a music streaming service. They registered domain and "Spotify AB" company.
  • The first office opening

    The first office opening
    Spotify opened an office in Stockholm in a flat (Regeringsgatan 20). The first employees were former classmates and colleagues of the founder.
  • Spotify implements queue technology

    The website downloaded the first seconds of songs in the opened page from a torrent base, so the user thought that the page is responsing to his clicks immediatelly.
  • Contracts with major labels are signed

    Contracts with major labels are signed
    Universal, Warner, Sony and EMI give Spotify a right to use their music for $5 million. However, there contracts are working for a short number of countries, not including the USA.
  • Spotify is officially launched

    The company started working in Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Finland, Norway and Sweden at first.
  • Spotify app was added to App Store

    Spotify app was added to App Store
    The compamy started working on the app in the beginning of fall, but the competiting company Apple added it to App Store in winter only. The number of users began to increase rapidly, so the musicians, thinking that they should be paid more for millions of extensions, began to delete songs.
  • Spotify starts working in the USA

    The company offeres a six-month ad-supported trial period, where new users can listen to an unlimited amount of music for free
  • Spotify buys event-based playlist service

    Spotify buys event-based playlist service
    By that time Tunigo had become famous for playlists based on some events or moods. Spotify buyed the company, placed playlists as the main function of their website and started employing playlist curators.
  • Spotify stoops using Torrent technologies

    The company buys it's own servers, what has helps to decrease the amount of battery charge and memory of the user's device that the application used.
  • Weekly Discover function

    Weekly Discover function
    Spotify suggests users to listen to the tracks that the other people with the same music tastes have listened. It becomes one og the most important Spotify functions.
  • Release Radar

    Release Radar
    This function suggests users a list of new releases of the musicians they listen to
  • Becomming public company

    Spotify enters the New York Stock Exchange after conducting a DPO procedure.
  • Adding podcasts

    Adding podcasts
    Gimlet Media Inc. and Anchor FM Inc., which are engaged in the creation and distribution of podcasts, were acquired for $340 million