
Sports Medicine Timeline

  • 5 BCE


    He is the first person in the history of medicine who combined sports with medicine.
  • 1569

    De Arte Gymnastica

    De Arte Gymnastica
    Girolamo Mercuriale creates the earliest known text on fitness, known as De Arte Gymnastica
  • First Athletic Trainer

    First Athletic Trainer
    James Robinson is hired by Harvard University as the athletic trainer
  • The Trainer's Bible

    The Trainer's Bible
    S.E. Bilik writes the first major text on athletic training, known as The Trainer's Bible
  • Cramer Chemical Company

    Cramer Chemical Company
    Brothers Chuck and Frank Cramer founded Cramer Products
  • NATA

    NATA is founded in Kansas City
  • 1st Female at BOC Exam

    1st Female at BOC Exam
    Sherry Bagagian is the first female to sit for the BOC exam
  • 1st Female Athletic Trainer

    1st Female Athletic Trainer
    Kristine Freeman is hired as the first female athletic trainer at the University of Florida
  • Olympic Committee

    Olympic Committee
    Gail Weldon became the first board-certified female athletic trainer to be hired by the United States Olympic Committee and worked the 1979 Pan American Games.
  • College Major

    College Major
    Athletic training becomes a college major
  • Allied Profession

    Allied Profession
    Athletic Training becomes an allied profession
  • Certified Athletic Trainer

    Certified Athletic Trainer
    Marsha Grant-Ford is the first black female to become certified as an athletic trainer
  • Assistant Athletic Trainer

    Assistant Athletic Trainer
    Michelle Leget is the first female to be hired as an Assistant Athletic Trainer in the NBA.
  • Ariko Iso

    Ariko Iso
    Ariko Iso becames the first full-time female athletic trainer in the NFL, hired by the Pittsburgh Steelers