Medical encyclopedia published
Avicenna published the Canon of Medicine medical encyclopedia. -
studies on Metabolism begins
Santorio Santorius began studying how activities affect metabolism. -
Studies on how exercise affects circulation begin
August Bier and Arlie V. Bock studied how exercise affects circulation. -
Registration by Sweden's National Board of Health and Welfare
This event legitimized the field of physical therapy and granted it full registration in the country of Sweden. It gave it validation as a science and profession. Several countries soon followed. -
Nurses in Great Britain form the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
This event was one of the first conglomerates of physical therapy. These four nurses created the society in part as a result of Sweden's registering physical therapists. -
Creation of the AIMS
a meeting was held in Germany prompting the creation of the Association International Medico-Sportive to provide medical care for athletes. -
New Zealand School of Physiotherapy at the University of Otago
The University of Otago's School of Physiotherapy helps portray physical therapy as a serious academic endeavor and profession. Helped to create a curriculum and standardized method of training physical therapists. -
PT practices partner with medical and surgical professions
The partnership of physical therapists with the medical and surgical communities grew resulting in the profession of physical therapy gaining public recognition and validation. This partnership solidified PT's standing as a science. -
Dr A.V. Hill awarded nobel prize of physiology
Doctor A.V. Hill was awarded the Nobel Prize of Physiology in 1922. His research on the production of heat in muscles won him the award. This discovery helped doctors and physical therapists begin to understand the workings of the body. -
International Congress of sports Medicine was formed
A small committee, the International Congress of Sports Medicine, was formed to help individuals prevent sports injuries. -
GSMOD Established
the first German Sports Medical Outpatient Department established. -
first department for sports medicine established
the first department for sports medicine was established in Leipzig. -
NATA established
the National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA) was established to enhance the quality of healthcare for athletes, including both adult and youth athletes. The NATA Research & Education Foundation supports the ongoing education of athletic trainers with research grants and other forms of financial assistance. -
Physical Therapy gains independence and autonomy
This was a critical time for the profession of Physical Therapy. PT practices started to break away from registrations in hospitals and began to fight for licensure autonomy (right to private practice) increasing the professionalism of the practice. -
ACSM was established
The American College of Sports Medicine was established. This reputable institution encourages the development of sports medicine via research and education. -
First official team of physicians formed
The first official team of physicians was formed during the Summer Olympics. -
AOSSM established
the American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine was established to help orthopedic surgeons learn how to better treat and prevent athletic injuries. The association educates physicians around the world about modern approaches to sports medicine. -
AMSSM established
The American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, which is dedicated to education, research, and collaboration of sports medicine, was established. -
ABEM approved Sports Medicine
Sports medicine was approved and recognized as a subspecialty under the American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM) -
Jacksonville Jaguars
Agreements between professional teams and medical groups to have hospitals act as corporate partners for the team. The hospitals pay for the right to be the official care provider of the team and be advertised as such. The Jacksonville Jaguars are widely regarded as the first professional team to use this model. Previously, teams had payed doctors for their services to the team and players. Hospitals and medical practices bid millions of dollars to be the care providers.