Soccer Rules Established
First Game of Horse Polo
First YMCA founded in London
Baseball Created by Alexander Cartwright
Hockey Invented by Canadian Army
First YMCA in USA, TN
First Known Game in Baseball
The first known game in which fans paid to attend was held at Fashion Race Course in Queens, NY. It was a baseball game between two teams in the New York City area. -
First Professional Baseball Team Formed in Ohio
1st Wimbleton
American Basaball Associate was created
also known as Beer and Whiskey League -
First Women's Hockey Team founded in Ottawn.
Basketball Invented by James Naismith
1st Indooor Hockey Rink opens in Baltimore, MD
First College Baskeball Game Played
College Hockey was born
First Olympics held in Athens Greece
US Basketball becomes Professional NBL
with the formation of the NBL -
First World Series (bsseball)
NCAA Officially Formed
The National Collegiate Athletic Association was officially formed to govern collegiate athletics. -
First Recreation Center
Fenway Park was Opened (baseball)
First Hockey radio broadcast
3 POINT shoot is added to Basketball
Lou Gehrig on Wheaties Box
Lou Gehrig became the first athlete ever to appear on a Wheaties box. -
Great Britian wins first Olympic Gold Medal Hockey
All American Girls Professional Baseball League Formed
This was formed while the MLB players were serving in WWII -
1st NHL player suspended
Female Athlete Endorsed
The first major endorsement deal for a female athlete. Wilson Sporting Goods signed golfer Babe Didrikson Zaharias to an endorsement contract worth $100,000 per year. -
First NBA Championship won by Minninneapolis
1st Black Hockey Play in NHL, Willy O'Ree
Arnold Palmer first American to win British Open
Blue Ribbon Sports founded
Blue Ribbon Sports, an athletic footwear company, was founded by Philip H. Knight. In 1972, this company becomes Nike. -
First Super Bowl, LA
Title IX enacted
Title IX is enacted, mandating equal access to educational opportunities for men and women. This legislation creates new opportunities for women in sports as athletes, coaches and administrators. -
Rich Foods 1st Company for Venue Naming Rights
Rich Foods becomes the first company to pay for the right to have their name on a venue. Rich Foods agreed to pay $60,000/year for the naming rights to the Buffalo Bills football stadium. -
Coach K wins first bssketball win at Duke
Olympics Boycotted
The United States boycotts the Summer Olympics in Moscow. -
Olympics Commercialized
The Olympics became commercialized, and made profitable for the first time under the leadership of Peter Ueberoth. -
Olympic Park, BOMBED
The Olympic Park in Atlanta, Georgia is bombed. -
WMBA was created