Before Rules?
Football used to be a very rough sport. At the end of each match there would be a lot of injuries -
The people had a campaign to stop games that left players injured and unable to work. This made bosses mad. While working hours went up, the playing hours went down stopping many people being able to work. This led to better playing rules and conditions -
Demands for a shorter working
Because of the Industrial revolution, many people did not have time to enjoy. They petitioned for shorter time to work so that they could have some time at the end to have some fun. -
Factory Act
Because of the effect that the Industrial Revolution had on people's lives they petitioned and got the Factory Act/ -
A New Factory Act
THe new factory act increased the restrictions and ectended its employementll Companies could now employ women. -
In 1848, the "gutty" came on the scene.
The gutta-percha material literally made the golf balls industrictable. This was a new material that would lead to the mass production of the new gold balls. -
New Rules?
Parents were being concerned with the treatment that their children got when they played Rugby. That led to a group of kids at Eton creating a new game. The industrial revolution led to new rules and new games. -
The Advent of Industrialization
Companies began mass producing rubber balls from molds. -
Factories vs Sports
t was a process that was largely driven by the Industrial Revolution. Industry began to dominate the economy and workers moved from field to factory and developed a new-found desire for material wealth. This gave their middle class employers greater control and the chance to dictate how employees should live their lives. A campaign was mounted against violent sports like football which left men injured and unable to work, while working hours were increased to levels previously deemed unacceptabl -
Right now Football is a sport that does not tolerate many injuries. Over the few years that has passed, there has been some alterations to how the game is played. It is the same with cricket..