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sport history

  • 6000 BCE


    Although there is some controversy about it, as is often the case with everything related to the oldest stages in history, most experts agree that skiing originated in different areas of Scandinavia and northwestern Russia. In fact, the oldest ski found to date was found in Vis and dates back to 6000 BC. C. It is a ski with a uapití head engraved on one of its ends, which should act as a brake. There are also petroglyphs showing skiers and hunters with skis dated in 2500 BC and found in Norway
  • 776


    Athletics is considered the oldest organized sport in the world. It covers numerous disciplines grouped in races, jumps, throws and combined tests ... The first historical reference to athletics dates back to 776 BC.

    El boxeo a puño limpio. La palabra "boxing" ya era utilizada en Inglaterra en el Siglo XVI para referirse a una riña de puños. Pero la primera constancia de un combate de boxeo, como justa deportiva, es de 1681, mientras que el primer uso de la palabra "boxing" para referirse al deporte, data de 1711.
  • GOLF

    According to historians, golf originated in the Netherlands, but in the Ancient Age, a game in which a curved stick and a ball made of feathers was used among the Romans, which may have been the inspiration of this sport . ... The first golf associations were created in the 18th century

    But swimming as a sport did not begin until the end of the 18th century in Britain with the creation of the first swimming organization, the National Swimming Society, founded in 1837 in London. The first national champion (of Great Britain) was Tom Morris, who won a one-mile race on the Thames in 1869.

    Most studies believe that baseball evolved from a variety of similar games. A popular legend tells that Abner Doubleday, who became an officer of the Union Army during the American Civil War 1861-1865, invented baseball in Cooperstown New York in 1839.

    HISTORY OF CYCLING. In the ancient civilizations of Egypt, China and India the oldest testimonies appear on the background of this vehicle: the bicycle. ... The first pedal bike was called a velopedal and was invented by a Scottish blacksmith, Kirkpatrick Macmillan, in 1839.

    The modern history of football, as it is currently conceived, covers almost 150 years of existence. It began in 1863, when in England the roads of "rugby-football" and "association football" were separated and the oldest Football Association in the world was founded: the "Football Association".

    The present game of badminton arose in India, where it received the name of Poona, city located in the western Indian state of the Maharashtra and place where it was originally played. Some British army officers watched the game in India and took it to England around 1873.

    Basketball was born in the USA in 1891, invented by a Priest
    Canadian named James Naismith, this priest traveled to Massachusetts
    (USA) as a professor of "physical culture", once there he observed that the casualties
    temperatures did not allow outdoor sports, so the
    basketball as a sport that could be practiced in enclosures.

    Volleyball was created in February 1895 by William George Morgan sports coach of the YMCA Christian Youth Association in Holyoke. Morgan had studied at the Springfield College of the YMCA where he met James Naismith who in 1891 had invented the game of basketball

    At the end of the 18th century the first field hockey association was formed. The national teams of India and Pakistan were the great world masters of this sport for many decades. In 1924 the International Hockey Federation FIH was created.

    It originated in Europe at the end of the 18th century and was initially expanded by the English-speaking countries, especially among its upper classes. Currently, tennis has become universal, and is played in almost every country in the world. Since 1926, with the creation of the first tour, it is a professional sport.

    In 1926 the International Handball Regulation was established; In 1928 the International Handball Amateur Federation was founded by eleven countries during the IX Summer Olympics. ... In 1954 the IHF organizes the first Men's World Championship, making Sweden a champion

    The origin of cricket is in England, but it is not clear when. There is a theory that states that the history of cricket began when it was invented by children from the communities located between Kent and Sussex in medieval times.