• 1000 BCE

    Horde Prime's Empire Begins

    This is my own Meta, but I hold it's highly consistent with what we see.
  • Period: 100 BCE to 25

    First Ones/Prime War

    Raw speculation, and I'll probably be tweaking the dates as I go, but good enough for our purposes. I don't want to make the window any longer, and it seems clear that the HoE was a Hail Mary play to try and win the war against Prime (By nuking everyone else he'd conquered! The First Ones were pretty terrible!), so I can't imagine they lasted long after Mara defected.
  • Period: 15 BCE to 1 CE

    First Ones Colonization of Etheria

    Given what we know of the HoE, Mara, and First Ones destructive magical mining projects, to me Etheria feels less and less like a place that was 'Home' to Generations of First Ones, and more like a Project Site - huge numbers of people rolling in and popping up settlements seemingly overnight as they worked on their Last Great Hope.
  • 1 CE

    Etheria Banished to Despondos

    Our timeline anchor. Probably occurs near the end of Prime's war with the First ones.
  • 987

    Micah Born

    Working backwards from Light Spinner; setting him as 14 in that episode
  • 1000

    Hordak arrives on Etheria

    Mystery Portal snatches up a Galactic Horde Ship and it one (surviving?) occupant.
  • Jan 1, 1001

    Fall of the Scorpion Kingdom

  • Jun 1, 1001

    Light Spinner becomes Shadow Weaver

    Again, limited flex on this event; shortly after/concurrent with the fall of the scorpion kingdom
  • 1004

    Scorpia Born

    She can't be more than a year older than Adora and Catra. Implies she was born a few years after the "alliance" with the Horde.
  • 1005

    Baby Adora arrives on Etheria

    Light Hope only sort-of successfully kidnaps a baby via portal. Number based on interviews (+5 years following Hordak's arrival), although I may shift if Micah's timeline gets too futzed.
  • 1007

    Bow Born

    I put him as a hair older than Glimmer
  • 1008

    Angells Marries Micah/Glimmer Born

    This makes Micah 20/21; I might yet add a year or two of padding onto Adora's arrival to push this number up
  • 1009

    First princess Alliance

    First alliance created
  • Period: 1009 to 1013

    The First princess Alliance

    Based on how Glimmer is described/her lack of memory of her father, she was unlikely to be older than 5 when the war ended. 4 year duration is based on WW1.
  • 1010

    5 yo Catra enters Horde Foster Care

    I don't think the box is strictly canon, but the idea that Catra was a little older when she was abandoned/adopted tracks with her various traumas and abandonment issues.
  • 1011

    Frosta Born

  • 1013

    Fall of the First Alliance

    Micah's "Death", the shattering of the organized resistance against the Horde.
  • Jan 1, 1023

    Adora finds the Sword of Power

    Making Adora 18/19 at the start of the show.
  • Mar 1, 1023

    Perfuma Recruited

    Making stuff up! Although figuring 2-3 months between recruitment missions seems reasonable.
  • May 1, 1023

    Mermista Recruited

    See notes under Perfuma
  • Jul 1, 1023

    Entrapta Recruited

    Ditto other recruitment notes
  • Sep 1, 1023

    Princess Prom and Aftermath

    Bow and Glimmer getting captured, Entrapta's "Death"/defection, The temporary fracturing of the new alliance.
  • Oct 1, 1023

    Light Hope Restored

    Major character introduction, Adora start's getting really fixated on the legacy of SheRa
  • Dec 31, 1023

    The Battle of Bright Moon

    And that gives us one year to season 1. Brightmoon defended, Catra promoted, etc.
  • Feb 1, 1024

    Entrapta and Hordak Become Lab Partners

    Will add other entries, but the first three episodes of S2 are pretty tightly linked together in terms of time, and are unlikely to span more than a month or so.
  • Jun 1, 1024

    Shadow Weaver Escapes the Horde

    The rest of Season 2 fits in here somewhere, but I'm more willing to be vague than I am with Season 1
  • Jul 1, 1024

    BFS/Catra&Scorpia Enter the Crimson Wastes

  • Period: Jul 1, 1024 to Oct 1, 1024

    The Crimson Wastes

    This is one of the weird things where it "feels" like maybe a week or two for the BFS (who are very focused on their goal), and feels more like at least 2-3 months for Catra/Scorpia (Who are futzing around and enjoying themselves)
  • Oct 1, 1024

    The Portal

    Catra returns from the Crimson Wastes, Portal gets activated, etc. End of Season 3 in a bit less than a year.
  • Jan 1, 1025

    Queen Glimmer's Corronation

    New Season New Year
  • May 1, 1025

    Fall of Salenias

    More or less arbitrarily selected.
  • Dec 1, 1025

    Beast Island/HoE/Horde Prime

    Season 4 ending. a whole bunch of events cascade within at most a couple of days.
  • Jan 1, 1026


    New Season New Year. Scorpia's first mission, so it can't be that far off Prime's arrival.
  • Feb 1, 1026


    Again, no more than a few weeks from S5E1, given how everyone is acting
  • Apr 1, 1026

    Glimmer Rescued

    This season is going to have a lot of 'dead' time where it's basically "And then they sat in a ship for months"
  • Jun 1, 1026

    Save The Cat

    Catra rescued, Prime's server room smashed, WH dragged along.
  • Aug 1, 1026


    More time in Spaaaace. Again, it's been long enough that the folks on Etheria are getting outright antsy,
  • Oct 1, 1026

    BFS return to Etheria

    FInally back on the planet.
  • Nov 1, 1026

    Spinny successfully de-chipped

    Sets us up for the "we need to disrupt the signal" angle of the finale
  • Dec 1, 1026

    Heart/Series Finale

    Horde Prime defeated once and for all.