
spirit of indenpendence

  • molasses act

    molasses act
    The molasses act put a tax on molasses from other countries, this made colonits secretly bring it in to avoid paying8
  • French and Indian war

    French and Indian war
    The french and Indian war in 1754 to 1763 was fought between francee and Britain in north ameica. britain won and took control of a lot of land
  • sugar act

    sugar act
    the sugar act made the colonies pay a tax on sugar. it was meant to help britain pay for soldiers in america
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    the stampa at made colonists pay a tax on printed7 materials like newspapers and legal papers. it was meade to help britain pay for its costs in america
  • declaratory acts

    declaratory acts
    the declaratory acts says that britain could make laws for the colonies. it gave britain full power over the colonise
  • Townshend act

    Townshend act
    the Townshend act put taxes on things like papers and tea. the money was used to pay british officials in the colonies
  • boston masacre

    boston masacre
    the Boston masccre happened because the British soldiers shot and killed five colonists during a protest. it made people angry and pushed them further away from britain
  • coercive acts

    coercive acts
    the coercive acts were passed by britain to punish the colonies after the Boston tea party. they closed Boston's harbor and took away some of the colonists rights
  • quartering act

    quartering act
    the quarterig act said that colonists had to provide food and shelter for British soldiers. it was made to help britain save money while keeping soldiers in the colonies
  • administration of justice

    administration of justice
    the administration of justice let britain officials who broke the law to be tried in Britain instead of thee colonists. this law made colonists feel like they couldnt get a fair trial
  • Quebec act

    Quebec act
    the Quebec act gave more land to Canada and allowed the catholi ccurch to have more power. colonists didnt like it because it took land away from them and gave special treatment to canada