
Industrial revolution Evolution of machines

  • Spinning and weaving machine

    Spinning and weaving machine
    About 1764 James Hargreaves, a poor uneducated spinner and weaver living in Lancashire, England, conceived a new kind of spinning machine that would draw thread from eight spindles simultaneously instead of just one, as in the traditional spinning wheel.
  • The steam engine

    The steam engine
    Through its application in manufacturing and as a power source in ships and railway locomotives, the steam engine increased the productive capacity of factories and led to the great expansion of national and international transportation networks in the 19th century.
  • Harnessing electricity

    Harnessing electricity
    In the 1820s and ’30s British scientist Michael Faraday demonstrated experimentally that passing an electric current through a coil of wire between two poles of a magnet would cause the coil to turn, while turning a coil of wire between two poles of a magnet would generate an electric current in the coil electromagnetic induction
  • The telegraph and the telephone

    The telegraph and the telephone
    Two inventions of the 19th century, the electric telegraph and the electric telephone, made communication over great distances possible for the first time.
  • The automobile

    The automobile
    this is a little bit after the industrial revolution but I still think it is relavent