Spice Trade

  • 1500


    Portugal controlled the spice trade between Europe and Asia.
  • 1510


    The portuguese seized the island "Goa" off the coast of India.
  • 1510

    In less than 50 years...

    The Portuguese had built a trading empire with military and merchant outposts.
  • 1511


    The Portuguese took the East Indies port of Malacca.
  • 1517

    Early 1500's

    The Protestant Northern Provinces won independence.
  • 1521


    Magellan had claimed the archipelago for Spain.
  • 1571

    About 50 Years

    Spain had conquered and colonized the islands.
  • 1599

    A Dutch fleet returned to Amsterdam from Asia after more than a years absence.
  • 1600's

    The Portuguese had converted fewer than a million people to Christianity.
  • 1602

    A group of wealthy Dutch merchants formed the "Dutch East India Company".
  • 1641

    The Dutch captured Malacca from the Portuguese and opened trade with China.
  • 1700's

    The growing power of England and France contributed to the decline of the Dutch trading empire in the East.
  • Mid 1700's

    The British and the French had become locked in a bitter struggle for global power.
  • Late 1700's

    It had used it's great wealth to dominate most of India.
  • 1900's

    The Dutch maintained an empire in Indonesia.