
Defining Events in History 1600-1700

By dkern
  • New France

    New France
    Samuel de Champlain founded New France
  • English settlement begins in Jamestown

    English settlement begins in Jamestown
    First permanent English settlement begins at Jamestown
  • Period: to

    Jamestown colonists and Powhatan Indians

    Jamestown colonists and Powhatan Indians fight Anglo-Powhatan Wars
  • Spanish establish Santa Fe

    Spanish establish Santa Fe
    Santa Fe is the oldest capital city in North America and the oldest European community west of the Mississippi.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    English Puritans draft Mayflower Compact and found Plymouth Colony
  • Restoration Begins

    Restoration Begins
    Charles II ascends English throne
  • Period: to

    Wages War

    King Philip (Metacom) wages war against Puritan colonies
  • William Penn

    William Penn
    William Penn founds Pennsylvania Colony
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    establishes constitutional monarchy in England