
SPED History

  • Federal Law July 16, 1798

    Federal Law July 16,  1798
    July 16th, 1798 President John Adams signed the “An Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen” The law authorized the creation of a government-operated marine hospitals services to disabled seamen. This later became known as “The Public Health Service”. It serviced disabled men who were mostly veterans of war.
  • 1817 First SPED school

    1817 First SPED school
    The first special education school was opened in 1817. The American Asylum for the education and instruction of the “Deaf and Dumb” was established in Connecticut by Hopkins Gallaudet.
  • 1896 First public special education class

    1896 First public special education class
    In 1896 the first public special education classroom opened. This class was opened in Rhode Island, teachers started to notice the need to make classrooms to service students with special needs. By 1923, almost 34,000 students were in these classes.
  • 1950 National Association for Retarded Citizens

    1950 National Association for Retarded Citizens
    National Association for Retarded Citizens was founded in 1950, the organization focused on serving people with an intellectual and developmental disability. It was founded by parents of people with developmental disabilities. The organization advocates for people with disabilities and helps them find jobs and helps employers adapt to their needs.
  • 1962 panel on Mental Retardation

    1962 panel on Mental Retardation
    President Kennedy signed the first major legislation to combat mental illness and retardation. This amendment incorporated several recommendations and provided planning grants to update intellectual disability programs. It also helped increased funding for prevention through maternity and infant care. []
  • 1968 Special Olympics Global recognition

    1968 Special Olympics Global recognition
    1968 Special Olympics competition was held in Chicago, young people with intellectual disabilities participated. The event was called “daybreak” because the event brought a lot of awareness for people with various disabilities. This event marked the change in many perceptions. []
  • PARC v. Pennsylvania

    PARC v. Pennsylvania
    PARC v. Pennsylvania was an action lawsuit for school-aged children with mental disability living pen Pennsylvania. Children were denied public school attendance, parents of these children sued the state and won their case.
  • 1973 504 Rehabilitations Act

    1973 504 Rehabilitations Act
    Rehab Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in a program conducted by federal agencies. The standards of this act protect individuals with disabilities in regard to their employment. It ensures that they are able to be hired when they have the correct qualifications for the job. This act also made it illegal for any federal agency, public university, defense or other federal contractors, that received federal funding to discriminate against people with disabilities.
  • 1975 passage of IDEA

    1975 passage of IDEA
    IDEA was passed in 1975, became the mainstream law for disabilities. IDEA focused on free public appropriate education, individualized education plans, appropriate evaluation, least restrictive environment, parent participation, and many procedural safeguards. It also protects the rights of all children with a disability and helps many schools and organizations stay in compliance with equality.
  • IDEA 2004

    IDEA 2004
    IDEA 2004 had some additions made to it. It required schools to use research-based interventions in the process of helping students with learning. It also included the due process, discipline, and IEP updates. IDEA has updates made to it every five years or so to ensure students are protected under the law and newly updated services are included.