World history

Major characters in World History

By dremoo1
  • 2000 BCE

    Abraham (Hebrew leader)

    Abraham (Hebrew leader)
    He is the Founded of Judaism.
  • 1300 BCE

    Moses (Israelite leader ) 1300s BC

    Moses (Israelite leader ) 1300s BC
    He ledes the Jews out of Egypt and received the Ten Commandments.
  • 429 BCE

    Pericles (Greek statesman) 494 – 429 BC

    Pericles (Greek statesman) 494 – 429 BC
    He ledes Athens during its golden age, often called the Age of Pericles.
  • 399 BCE

    Socrates (Greek philosopher) 469 – 399 BC

    Socrates (Greek philosopher) 469 – 399 BC
    He taught students to examine their beliefs and developed a questionand-answer method of teaching called the Socratic method.
  • 347 BCE

    Plato (Greek philosopher) 427 – 347 BC

    Plato (Greek philosopher) 427 – 347 BC
    He wrote The Republic, in which he described his ideal society.
  • 323 BCE

    Alexander the Great (Macedonian king) 356 – 323 BC

    Alexander the Great (Macedonian king) 356 – 323 BC
    He built an empire that included Greece, Persia, Egypt, and part of
    Central Asia.
  • 322 BCE

    Aristotle (Greek philosopher) 384 – 322 BC

    Aristotle (Greek philosopher) 384 – 322 BC
    He summarized most knowledge up to his time and invented rules of logic that contributed to the modern scientific method.
  • 44 BCE

    Caesar, Julius (Roman general and dictator) 100 – 44 BC

    Caesar, Julius (Roman general and dictator) 100 – 44 BC
    He expanded the Roman Empire.
  • 4 BCE

    Jesus (Jewish religious leader) 4 BC – AD 28

    Jesus (Jewish religious leader) 4 BC – AD 28
    He is the founded of Christianity.
  • 570

    Muhammad (Muslim prophet) 570 – 632

    Muhammad (Muslim prophet) 570 – 632
    He is the founded of Islam.
  • Nov 10, 1483

    Luther, Martin (German theologian) 1483–1546

    Luther, Martin (German theologian) 1483–1546
    He started the Reformation.
  • Locke, John (English philosopher) 1632 – 1704

    Locke, John (English philosopher) 1632 – 1704
    he was a leader of the Enlightenment and promoted democratic
  • Washington, George (American general and president) 1732 – 1799

    Washington, George (American general and president) 1732 – 1799
    Commanded the Continental Army during the American Revolution and served as the first president of the United States.
  • Jefferson, Thomas (American president, architect, and inventor) 1743–1826

    Jefferson, Thomas (American president, architect, and inventor) 1743–1826
    He wrote the Declaration of Independence.
  • Bonaparte, Napoleon (French general and emperor) 1769 – 1821

    Bonaparte, Napoleon (French general and emperor) 1769 – 1821
    He built a vast French empire and he is considered one of the world’s great military geniuses along with Alexander the Great, Hannibal, and Julius Caesar.
  • Lincoln, Abraham (American president) 1809 – 1865

    Lincoln, Abraham (American president) 1809 – 1865
    He leds the United States through the American Civil War.
  • Marx, Karl (German philosopher) 1818 – 1883

    Marx, Karl (German philosopher) 1818 – 1883
    He is the founded the mass movements of democratic socialism and
    revolutionary communism.
  • Sun Yat-sen (Chinese leader) 1866 – 1925

    Sun Yat-sen (Chinese leader) 1866 – 1925
    He became known as the “father of modern China” for leading a
    revolution that overthrew the last Chinese emperor.
  • Gandhi, Mohandas K. (Indian political and religious leader) 1869 – 1948

    Gandhi, Mohandas K. (Indian political and religious leader) 1869 – 1948
    He helped India gain its independence from Great Britain by a method of nonviolent resistance.
  • Lenin, Vladimir (Russian dictator) 1870 – 1924

    Lenin, Vladimir (Russian dictator) 1870 – 1924
    He is the founded the Communist Party in Russia and established the world’s first Communist Party dictatorship.
  • Stalin, Joseph (Soviet dictator) 1878 – 1953

    Stalin, Joseph (Soviet dictator) 1878 – 1953
    He used terror to transform the Soviet Union into a totalitarian state and to modernize its economy.
  • Hitler, Adolf (German dictator) 1889–1945

    Hitler, Adolf (German dictator) 1889–1945
    He initiated World War II and the Holocaust.
  • Mao Tse-tung (Chinese dictator) 1893–1976

    Mao Tse-tung (Chinese dictator) 1893–1976
    He ledes the Communist revolution in China.
  • Mandela, Nelson (South African anti-apartheid leader)

    Mandela, Nelson (South African anti-apartheid leader)
    He became the first black president of South Africa.
  • King, Martin Luther, Jr. (American civil rights leader) 1929–1968

    King, Martin Luther, Jr.  (American civil rights leader) 1929–1968
    He led the civil rights movement in the United States during the 1950s and 1960s.