Brown vs. Board of Education
Integration of students Sources:
http://library.thinkquest.org/J0112391/brown_v__board_of_education.htm -
PARC vs. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
FAPE Free appropriate public education Sources:
http://www2.nau.edu/~jde7/ese504/class/advanced/courtcases.html -
Stuart vs. Nappi
Students could stay in school despite bad behavior Sources:
http://www.educationlawconsortium.org/forum/2005/papers/oneil.pdf -
Abrahamson vs. Hershman
If residential placement is required, school district must provide it Sources:
http://www2.nau.edu/~jde7/ese504/class/advanced/courtcases.html -
Dept of Ed. vs. Katherine D
Home bound is not LRE [Least Restrictive Environment] Sources:
http://www2.nau.edu/~jde7/ese504/class/advanced/courtcases.html -
Irving Indep. School District vs. Tatro
Physical and health impairments may not prevent being served in public school Sources:
http://www2.nau.edu/~jde7/ese504/class/advanced/courtcases.html -
Smith vs. Robinson
School must pay for necessary residential placements Sources:
http://www.oyez.org/cases/1980-1989/1983/1983_82_2120 -
Honig vs. Doe
Children with disabilities may not be excluded from school for misbehavior Sources:
http://www2.nau.edu/~jde7/ese504/class/advanced/courtcases.html -
Timothy W. vs. Rochester School
Zero rejection -
Florence County School District vs. Carter
If schools do not provide appropriate services and a private school does, the district may have to pay, even if they did not approve the placement and parents acted unilaterally Sources:
http://www2.nau.edu/~jde7/ese504/class/advanced/courtcases.html -
Board of Education in Sacramento, CA vs. Holland
Least Restrictive Environment - Four factors, including the needs of all children in the school, that must be considered for FAPE Sources: