Brown v Board of Education
The Supreme Court ended "separate but equal" in a unanimous decision. Schools have to give all students an equal education regardless of race. It is considered the catalyst for the Civil Rights Movement and was met with tremendous pushback. -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
The ESEA introduced the free and reduced lunch program, created initiatives to help low-income families, gave additional teachers to low-income schools, and created Titles 1-8. -
Vocational Rehabilitation Act
It prohibits discrimination against students with disabilities in terms of federal funding and provides a definition for the term appropriate education. -
Education Amendments Act
Gives students and families the right to due process in special education cases, grants federal funding for gifted and talented students, and allows for increased federal spending for disabled children. -
Education for all Handicapped Children Act
Defines least restrictive environments (LRE), creates individualized education programs, and requires free and appropriate public education for students with disabilities. -
Honig v Doe
The Supreme Court ruled that schools can not expel students for behaviors related to their disability. This happened after a school board in California permanently suspended a student for behavior related to the student's disability. -
Americans with Disabilities Act
Prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in the workforce. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Used to be the Education for All Handicapped Children Act. Created a transition program for when children are 16 years old and bilingual education programs. -
No Child Left Behind Act
The No Child Left Behind Act introduced early intervention reading programs, school choice for students from failing schools, and increased accountability for schools by requiring schools to show the academic achievement of every student. -
Every Student Succeeds Act
Replaced the No Child Left Behind Act and gave the states more room to design their own systems for holding schools accountable, measuring student achievement, but still holds schools accountable.