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Special Education Law Timeline 1954-2024

By cooksa
  • Brown v Board of education

    Brown v Board of education
    It was a landmark decision in education requiring all American public schools to desegregate education that all students within compulsory education age may attend.
  • ESEA 1965

    ESEA 1965
    It was a corner stone of education in America signed by president LBJ to ensure that districts and schools followed the decision made by the Supreme Court in 1954 with Brown V Board and to also combat poverty through education.
  • Lau v Nichols

    Lau v Nichols
    On Jan 21 1974 the U.S supreme court found that the public school district of California whom under ESEA was receiving Federal funds to provide ESL students opportunity to learn English optimizing the educational experience.
  • Board of education Hendrick Hudson ISD v Rowley

    Board of education Hendrick Hudson ISD v Rowley
    This is the very first Supreme Court litigation involving special concerned the court w/ the IEP and decided that it must be reasonably calculated in order for a student to receive adequate educational benefit.
  • Irving ISD v Tatro

    Irving ISD v Tatro
    The Supreme Court decided that students requiring catheterization was indeed apart of the IDEA and a related service to ensure complete Public Education.
  • Lester H v Gilhool

    Lester H v Gilhool
    3rd circuit courts decided that compensatory education is available to take place of public education that is not fulfilling its obligation under IDEA.
  • Oberti v Board of ED

    Oberti v Board of ED
    In this case the court made the decision that children with disabilities were entitled to educated in the least restrictive environment that allows them to achieve educational success.
  • IASA 1994

    IASA 1994
    Under the Clinton Admin this act sought to reauthorize the ESEA act of 1965 emphasising bilingual education and educational technology.
  • NCLB 2002

    NCLB 2002
    Was an act signed by President George W Bush to reemphasize and implement standardized testing to hold districts and schools accountable for the progress of students.
  • ESSA 2015

    ESSA 2015
    UNder the Obama admin and in attempt to reauthorize the ESEA this act aimed to maintain the standardized testing of NCLB but to relent on the accountability of the schools and teachers and allow the states to assume that accountability.