The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
The ESEA was one of the first act's that intiated the role of the federal government in K-12 education. This act also encouraged states to improve their programs for students with disabilities by implementing a grant program. This was one of the first instances of every student have equal access to public education. -
Vocational Rehabilitation Act Section 504
This act prohibits discrimiation against students with disabilities in federally funded programs. Section 504 includes a broader defintion of disability than is included in IDEA, allowing more students to qualify. Regardless of the severity of the disability, schools are required to provide a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to all students. The needs of students with disabilities are required to be meet just as the needs of students without disabilites are meet. -
Educational Amendments Act
This act provided the first federal funding of state programs for students who are gifted and talented. It also granted federal funds for programs for exceptional learners and guranteed the right of due process in special education placement. -
Education for All Handicapped Children
This act is also known as the mainstreaming law. This was the first legislation that identified the rights of children with disabilities from age three to twenty-one. This act introduces and requires students with disabilities to be taught in the least restictive environment. It gave students with disabilties the right to an IEP. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
This act adds autism and tramatic brain injury to categories of disabitlites. This act also introduces the concept of people first language for individuals with disabilities. The act also requires certain services, such as assistive technology, that was not provided to students before now be provided. Also, transition programs for students age of 16 and older are required to be provided. -
Americans with Disabilites Act (ADA)
The objective of this act is to provide employment and public services, accomidations, transportations, and telecommunications equally to all individuals with disabilites. The act also includes the discrimination not be allowed in the private sector as well and public. -
Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Act
President Bush stated, "The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 will help children learn better by promoting accountability for results, enhancing parent involvement, using proven practices and materials, providing more flexibility, and reducing paperwork burdens for teachers, states and local school districts." This act also implemented the use of RTI.