Special Education Issues

  • Margaret Douglas sentenced 1 month in jail

    Margaret Douglas sentenced 1 month in jail for her attempts to teach the children of freed slaves to read and write.
  • African American education not equal

    From Reconstruction until the 1950s, the dominant view of African American education was that is was intended not to educate for equal citizenship, but rather for the lower ranked positions that it was assumed African Americans would occupy.
  • Separate but equal

    Plessy v. Ferguson legitimated the doctrine of separate but equal, however, segregated education was by no means equal.
  • Mental testing was grounded

    In the early 20th century, mental testing was grounded in the premise of American eugenics that races other than those of northern European stock were intellectually inferior.
    • not exact year - early 20th century
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    The legislative action to provide equal access to education, institutional structures, such as ability grouping and significantly separate special education classrooms, continued to keep minority students segregated from their White peers.
  • Hobson v. Hansen

    In the case of Hobson v. Hansen, de facto segregation was challenged in the public school system in Washington, DC. This came from addressing violations of the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  • Dunn's concerns

    Dunn suggested that the overrepresentation of ethnic and language minority students in self-contained special education classrooms raised significant civil rights and educational concerns.
  • Mercer's observation

    Mercer highlighted the ethnic differences in rates of special education service as part of her critique of the "6-hour" or situational retarded child, found that public schools tended to identify more children as mentally retarded than any other child service setting.
  • Rehabilitation Act of 1973

    Addressing the need for modifications and accommodations under Section 504.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975

    Addressing the role of standardized testing and the reduced educational opportunity afforded by the racial isolation of minorities in special education programs.
  • IDEA 2004

    Under the provisions of IDEA 2004, states must monitor disproportionate representation by race or ethnicity in disability categories and special education placements and require the review of local policies, practices, and procedures when disproportionate representation is found.