Brown v. Board of Education
Legislation rules that all schools will be desegregated and determines that discrimination against race infringes on equal education opportunity.
This is the first major moment in US law where discrimination is recognized in the public school system. -
President John F Kennedy
During his term, JFK made it a priority of his administration to address the issues regarding the neglect of citizens with disabilities.
He appoints The President's Panel on Mental Retardation* consisting of scientists, researchers, and doctors to collect data and come up with a legislative plan to address the issues found.
*This term only used in the context of naming the title of the group. -
The Civil Rights Act of 1964
this act signed into law by Lyndon B Johnson makes it law that no public place can discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. this includes schools and all public facilities.
A major milestone in civil rights that helps act as a catalyst for future changes in special education in the US. -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965(ESEA)
Lyndon B. Johnson recognized that there was gradual decreasing of public school funding for special education. He pushes Congress to pass the act which allows states and local districts more control over the grant money the federal government gives in order to better allocate services to schools in need. -
Mills v. District of Columbia Board of Education
A court case rules that schools are required to provide an education to students with disabilities. The D.C. Board had violated their own regulations by denying edcuational opportunities to students they deemed as "exceptional". -
Education of All Handicapped Children Act of 1975
Congress passes a public law stating that schools must offer equal education opportunities for students with disabilities that include the use of IEPs with active parent participation. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act(IDEA)
A legislative approach to outline the role of the school to provide an inclusive classroom. IEPs, Free and Appropriate Public Education(FAPE), and Least Restrictive Environments (LRE) are examples of the key points that IDEA tries to emphasize. -
Daniel R. R. v State Board of Education
A court case involving a family who had a son placed in a special education classroom for half of the day and the other half in a general education classroom. When the school had decided to place him in an Early Childhood Education class without the parents consent, the court ruled that the IDEA was designed to allow school officials to determine the LRE for the student and place them in the according classroom. -
Sacramento City Unified School District Board of Education v. Rachel H.
A court case involving an 11 year old girl who had been removed from a general education classroom despite the parents wishes to keep her in that class. the parents claimed that the school ad made no attempt at providing for the student in the general education class and had therefor violated the regulations stating that it was the school's responsibility to provide the education. -
No Child Left Behind(NCLB)
George Bush signs into law a reauthorization of Johnson's Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
It gave the responsibility of each state to set their own standards for testing and added more federal involvement in the allocation of grants and funding that each district received. -
IQ Test
My parents bring me to see a woman who asks me questions and analyzes my behavior. Although my parents have never admitted what prompted them to bring me to see this woman, I have arrived at the conclusion that they were testing me for ADD/ADHD, as well as autism, and to determine my IQ. To date, I have not been diagnosed with any disability and my parents have always reminded me how smart I am. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004
Added and changed aspects of IDEA in regards to how IEPs are executed. More freedom is given to the parties involved in order to better tailer the plan to the students needs. -
Bullying of Classmate
In 2nd grade, there is an incident at my school where a classmate was bullying another classmate who had a disability. Once the school became aware of the bullying, the bully was expelled from the school and this event set the standard for me and my peers as to how bullying of students would be handled. -
Switch Schools - NCLB Award
The new school I was going to attend was known for their high standardized test scores. I went to an interview with my mom where the new school gave me a section of the SATs to complete. I was shocked that they were letting me see a portion of the SAT a few weeks before I was meant to take it at my other school. I took the test and scored high, which meant the school would allow me to attend. They had been testing me to make sure I wouldn't bring down their high test score stats. -
president Obama's Blueprint for Education
A reform to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act; it is meant to address the problems that arose from the NCLB Act. It presented a four year incentive plan for schools to have the chance to raise their test scores to at least proficient in order to receive better funding. -
High School
When entering my freshman year of high school, I made friends who talked about their ADD/ADHD or their IEPs. This was the first time I had heard of anyone talking a disability with learning and how they had to adapt to school. -
Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015
A reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, but also to replace the NCLB Act. It modifies and improves on the standardized testing used across the states. -
The No Child Left Behind Act is ended and the pressure on teachers to teach to the test is lifted. this also shifts focus back on arts and electives that aren't included on the standardized tests. Funding stops being focused on strictly academic skills. -
NCLB Paper
Senior year of high school, I am assigned to write a persuasive essay and I choose to to write about the No Child Left Behind Act. I researched the negative effects of standardized testing on teachers and students and why it failed in parts of the US. My old elementary school takes down their No Child Left Behind Awards for high test scores from the front doors of the building.