Period: to
Spcae Timeline Project Timespan
Sputinik 1 was launched
Sputnik 2 was launched
Carried a much heavier load of a dog named Laika -
Pioneer Program began to be created
Mercury is "born"
Apollo begans to be created and worked on
Mariner Porgram is created
Mariner 1 fails
Shorty after Marnier program was created there first probe fails. -
Gemini Program is created
Gemini porgram ends
There were 12 total Gemini probes that were launched into space. -
First Apollo flight
Skylab Space Station is launched
Apollo Project ends
Viking 1 took its first picture
Second Voyager Probe is launched
Space Shuttle Discovery is launched
Hubble is completed
Mir Space Station is launched
Space Shuttle Chalanger is launched
Space Shuttle Columbia is launched
Gailileo Spacecraft is launched
NEAR Shoemaker is launched
First US Rover lands on Mars
Called Sojourner -
Casini Space Mission is launched
NEAR Shoemaker lands on a astroid
Hubble makes its millionth obversavation
Space Shuttle Atlantis is launched