
Peloponnesian War

  • 540 BCE

    Athens Surrenders

    Athens Surrenders
    Spartans defeated The Athenian Fleet at Aegospotami. This defeat led to Athenian surrender. As a result, the Peloponnesian War was concluded. Simultaneous to the end of this conflict came the end of the golden age of ancient. (National Geographic Society)
    Ever since Athena's defeat, they have hated each other. (Ancient Greece times)
    Fun fact: they used drachmae until 2001.
  • 536 BCE

    Decade of War

    Decade of War
    This war lasted 10 years
    Led to massive destruction in Greece
    End of the golden age of Greece
    It would be another decade of warfare before the Spartan general Lysander defeated the Athenian fleet at Aegospotami. (National Geographic Society)
  • 436 BCE

    Treaty Broke

    Treaty Broke
    Hostilities resumed between Athens and Sparta with an assault launched by the Athenians at Sicily. (National Geographic Society)
    Since the last experiences, they started warships.
  • 431 BCE

    Peace Treaty between Sparta and Athens

    Peace Treaty between Sparta and Athens
    After years of open warfare, Sparta offered peace and Athens accepted. The agreement was made official with the signing of the Peace of Nicias. The treaty stated that Athens and Sparta would defend each other for the next 50 years. However, the treaty only lasted six. (National Geographic Society)