First Military actions.
The first military action of the war was the French occupation of the Spanish Netherlands during march. This triggered preparation for war in England, Holland and Austria. The French marched a large army under Marshal Nicholas de Catinat to Rivoli, where he hoped to stop the Austrian army under Prince Eugene of Savoy from entering Italy. Although, Eugene was able to slip past the French, and entered Italy on 28 May 1701 forcing the French into retreat, and eventually out maneuvering them. -
War plans.
Both sides have clears plans, France made stronger their armies at the Danube for an attack in vienna keelling Marlborough tie up in the Netherlands. While their allies were trying to be concentrated on the strong force under Mlaborough and Eugene of the Danube with the purpose of having France out of Germany and take out Barbarians from the war. -
French recapture territory.
Eugene found out that he was not interested in the war and his campaigning was sabotaged by his English troops.Finally the rest of the years French under Villards were recapturing territory. -
War ends between Spain and Portugal.
The final major action of the war was the capture of Barcelona by the French, ending the allied presence in Spain. Early in the following year, the Treaty of Madrid made peace between Spain and Portugal, ending the war.