Spanish Second Republic

  • Primo de Rivera's resign from government's leadership.

    After this, king Alfonso XIII tried to restore the constitutional monarchy, but its association with dictatorship made him loose support.
  • The pact of San Sebastian.

    Republicans and socialists agree to overthrow monarchy and claim a democratic republic. They create a Revolutionary Committee and call a general strike, which failure results in the dettention of many members of this committee.
  • Munitipal elections.

    The new constitutional government called the first free elections since 1921. Despite they were municipal, everybody knowed they were a referendum for the monarchy. Overall, monarchists won, but republicans earned some victories in large cities. This made Alfonso XIII leave the country.
  • Proclamation of the Second Spanish Republic.

    Republic is proclaimed and Revolutionary Committee becomes the Provisional Republican Government.
  • The Constitution of 1931

    PSOE and PRR are elected to write a constitution, which was democratic and progressive. Was characterised by the popular sovereignity (universal suffrage), the guarantee of division of powers, the declaration of civil rights (divorce, civil weddings, equality under the law) and the declaration of collective rights (public education health work and home). Included secularism, right for Statutes of Autonomy and a social economy too (expropiation and improvement in worker's rights)
  • Reformist Biennium

    Niceto Alcalá Zamora named president of the Republic. Manuel Azaña president of the government.
    Reforms: Statute of Autonomy for Cataluña, subordination of the army (lost their support), expulsion of the jesuits and a big agrarian reform which let government take land that was not used from its owner and give it to landless labourers.
    1932: a coup to stop the reform failed
    1933: revolution from a group of anarchists is severely repressed.
  • Black Biennium

    Elections held in november 1933. Women could vote. Left-wing was divided. Right-wing untied under the CEDA. CEDA and PRR won the elections, so they reversed the socialist reforms. PSOE feared they were resembling fascism, so they called a general strike which resulted in a revolution.
    Revolution of October 1934: by nationalist, communist and anarchist organisations. Cataluña declared itself independent, in Asturias miners staged an armed revolt and government was hit by a corruption scandal.
  • Popular Front

    New elections, February 1936. Left-wing joined in the Popular Front. They pushed the social reforms begun in 1931. Radical right-wing parties grew: main ones were Bloque Nacional (leaded by Calvo Sotelo) and the Falange Española (fascist, created by Jose A. Primo de Rivera). After 1936 elections, Spain was split between left and right wings (46/47%). Popular Front won the elections and appointed Azaña as Republic president and S. Casares Quiroa as government president. Militar revolution began.
  • Start of the civil war.

    Street violence between political groups was worrying, it included murders and burning churches. On 12 July, one of the government assault guards who was a socialist was murdered. As a revenge, some of his colleagues kidnapped and murdered Calvo Sotello. This event started the military coup. General Emilio Mola and José Sanjurjo organised the rebelion. this coup was supported by conservative groups (Carlists and Falangists). Officially, the war started on 17 July 1936, with a revolt in Morocco.