Salt Lake City Preparing for Spanish Influenza
Salt Lake City is taking precautions and giving warnings about what to do if you get any symptoms of the Spanish Influenza. Utah is beginning to be affected by this flu and have no idea yet how contagious it is. -
Officer is Victim of Influenza; Two Utahans severely injured
This article talks of an officer who died from the Spanish influenza with another who has pneumonia. Two military youths are also wounded in action and want to return to combat as soon as they can. I'm wondering why this event might be important and am wondering if these military personnel maybe brought the Spanish influenza home to Utah. -
Influenza Claims 63 New Cases Here
The public is being asked to refrain from attending funerals in order to the Spanish Influenza from spreading. It would be difficult to keep away from public places like schools, church, stores, or funerals. -
"Spitless Days" to Curb Spread of Influenza
To those caught spitting there will be a $1 fine. The police say "there will be no mercy shown and no excuses will be accepted." Many ideas are being tried in order to curb the spread of the Spanish Influenza. -
Yellow Journalism throws a scare broadcast regarding Spanish "Flu"
The rural town of Tintic is calling Yellow Journalism by causing the the schools to close and people to take to their beds at the slightest ailment. It is interesting that this small town believes that Salt Lake City is using sensationalism and scare tactics to get the people of this small community to take precautions that aren't really needed. -
Spanish Influenza Now in Cedar City
The flu reaches Cedar City as people return from conferences and the fair in Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City is a close city as of 10/10/18 where all public places are closed such as schools, theaters, churches, and other public assemblages. This is pretty drastic and I don't know how I would respond if I wasn't feeling any of the symptoms of the flu. -
Motion Picture Held Up by Flu Spread
The motion picture industry is withholding the release of new films with the hopes that this will help to reduce the spread of the flu. Other parts of the country were hit with the flu before if made its way to Utah, so if this keeps people from public places and spreading the flu, then it is a good idea. -
Drastic Action of Health Board to Check Influenza
In an attempt to prevent a general epidemic, schools, churches, theaters, and other public gatherings area closed. This drastic health order was just issued by the state health department and Dr. T.B. Beatty. I think the state is trying to implement whatever it can to help with the spread of this very contagious disease. -
Teachers Do Patriotic Work
Since schools are closed, teachers are picking apples to send to "the boys" in France. With this small article, people can see that others are still working to help with the war effort. -
Special Hospital for Influenza Patients Opened and other issues
In this telegram, officials area making drastic emergency rules in order to combat the Spanish Influenza. One of them is that coughers and sneezers are forbidden to be out on the streets. It seems with all the news that people would have gotten the message that if they are experiencing symptoms of the flu that they would stay home. However, I know that when I was in the classroom there were times I went to work not feeling well. It was easier to go to school than create a lesson plan for a sub. -
'Flu' Masks Ready to Check Epidemic
This short article has a picture of a 'flu' mask and a description of how it should be worn. This reminds me of a few years ago when the "bird flu" was prevalent around the world and many wore masks in China and other countries. It is now standard in doctors offices to have masks when you check in if you think you might have anything contagious. -
Beatty Puts Lid on Store Sales
Department stores will not be allowed to conduct big sales which lures economic wives to come in great numbers. So many of the emergency rules are put into place as the health department finds problems. How often do we react to situations instead of planning? -
Patients to Be Fed by Teachers
Since schools are closed, teachers are helping to make and distribute meals around Salt Lake City. Many teachers are also acting as nurses. Everyone entering public buildings must wear gauze masks. Teachers were still receiving their salaries, so I would hope that I would respond in the same way as those that did volunteer for the Red Cross. Today, it is so easy to just give money (which is needed) but sometimes volunteers and time is the better service. -
Gauze Masks to be Worn in Bingham
In Bingham, the decision is made to wear gauze masks in public to help prevent the spread of the Spanish Influenza. As a town, Bingham was the first to make this decision. I think it is cool that the whole town wanted to be proactive in trying to slow down the spread of the flu. -
Influenza Takes Still Firmer Grip
This article has multiple stories: All deaths and new flu cases must be reported to the health department; Businesses are suffering with all the sick gone; Park City is not yet affected, one must have a permit to visit this city; many deaths are listed. This epidemic is starting to take its toll on every life here in Utah. It seems that everyone is affected in some way or another. -
People Urged to Help Prevent the Spread of Influenza
People are urged not to remain in public places any longer than absolutely necessary. This had to be a scary event in Utah's and the world's history. Personally, I would want to do as the health department asked to curb the spread of this disease. -
Ward Teaching is Discontinued
Ward teaching is discontinued in Weber Stake temporarily because of the prevalence of influenza. As much as neighbors wanted to help their neighbors, it seems that this flu spread easily through the slightest of contact and that precautions needed to be taken. -
Face Masks Must be Worn by Those Afflicted
State board of health order gauze masks for everyone. This article also included how to make your own and to be sure and wash it every 24 hours. This compulsory order goes into effect today. There are multiple articles about wearing masks and very few about washing hands or wearing gloves. -
Homes Where Influenza Has Appeared to be Placarded, by Order of Health Board
Houses where flu cases have developed must have a sign that says "influenza," some family members are fearful of caring for their own; Rosenau vaccine is gone by noon; the greatest number of victims are between 18 and 40. This was the first article that mentioned a vaccine. I know that I and many others routinely get vaccinated for the flu every year. Even though I have occasionally gotten the flu after getting vaccinated, I like to think that it is a milder case. -
Influenza Now Reported Waning
Although the byline is reporting deaths and new cases, most of the article talks of being at the tail end of the epidemic. It is almost six weeks after this report that quarantines and restrictions begin to get lifted. I think if you talk about the epidemic waning, too many will not take precautions and continue to spread the flu. -
"Flu" Ordinance Passed in Provo
The flu does not seem to be abating in Provo, so an emergency ordinance was passed that everyone must wear a mask in public. All public gatherings except for open-air funerals are prohibited. I can't imagine what this must have been like. It's been two months now, and people probably want to get out. -
Plan Drastic Step to Conquer 'Flu'
Store hours are changing to prevent large public gatherings. Persons or physicians failing to promptly report those with the flu will face prosecution. Unlike the article dated November 8, this one dated on November 21 is still taking precautions and threatening prosecution of those not reporting the flu. It seems like the flu is still in full force. -
Open Inoculation Stations to Stem Progress of 'Flu'
Stations are being set up around the city to offer free inoculations for those who desire it. Further down in the article it states that liquor is being supplied to those who have a prescription. Many non-sick are attempting to get liquor. It is a bring your own bottle policy. i'm not sure how the liquor is helping with the flu, but it made me chuckle about bringing your own bottle. -
Picture Theaters are Again Opened
Theaters open after 10 weeks of being closed. The worst of the epidemic must be over if theaters are reopening. This has to be a bittersweet time for families and businesses as they try to regain a sense of normalcy again. -
L. D. S. to Pray for Overthrow of Influenza
LDS church encourages its members to fast and to pray in their homes for the epidemic to end. I wonder why they didn't do this sooner, however, soon after this the restrictions are being lifted and people are going back to school, the theater, and other public gatherings. -
Ban Soon to be Lifted in Provo
It looks like all influenza quarantines and restrictions to be lifted by next week. Compared to one month ago when restrictions were placed that everyone in public should be wearing a mask because the flu wasn't abating, this is good news. What a difference one month can make. -
City Schools Open on Monday Morning
Schools to reopen on December 30th with longer hours to make up for times missed. Restrictions are also void today and public gathering will now be allowed. I am in my 12th year of teaching, and I have never experienced a snow day in our district or other shutting down of the schools. I can't imagine how difficult it will be for these teachers getting back into school especially when some of their students or students family members didn't survive the Spanish Flu.