Oct 12, 1492
First voyage of Columbus
Christopher Columbus arrived in American Lands by mistake. -
Second voyage of Columbus
Columbus arrived in La Deseada then Puerto Rico and finally La española. -
Third voyage of Columbus
Columbus arrived in Trinidad, and visited other islands before going back to La Española. -
Minor voyages
The Spanish Crown favored a series of expeditions called "minor voyages" that turned out to be very important due to the discovery of new lands and the foundation of Spanish cities. -
Columbus loses his power and prestige.
Columbus is arrested in America by the royal administrator Francisco de Bobadilla. -
Fourth voyage of Columbus
Despite the weather problems and the lack of Spanish support in La Española, he arrived in Jamaica. -
Conquest of Cuba
Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar, organized an expedition to Cuba, which resulted in the conquest of the island. Velazquez named governor. -
Discovery of the Yucaán Peninsula.
Diego Velázquez commissioned and expediton to Francisco Hernandez de Córdoba. He found the Yucatán Peninsula, but the indigenous defense decimated the expedition so they fled back to Cuba. -
Discovery of Cozumel island
Juan de Grijalva discovers the island now known as Cozumel.
There he explored the coasts of Yucatán and Golf of Mexico. -
Travels of Hernán Cortés.
Velázquez dicided to make another expedition with which he entrusted Hernán Cortés. -
Cortés in Veracruz
On his arrival in Veracruz, Hernán Cortés established his operations base to make allianzes and to obtain guides and translators. -
Nov 8, 1519
Cortés in Tenochtitlan
Cortés entered Tenochtitlan. -
Aug 13, 1521
Fall of Tenochtitlan.
With the once-mighty empire of the Mexica Triple Alliance abruptly ended its days of glory, the fall of Tenochtitlan was imminent.