Spanish Conquest of the Americas

By brian_
  • 1428

    Tenochtitlan allies

    Tenochtitlan allies
    Tenochtitlan allies up with Texcoco and Tlacopan.
  • 1492

    Columbus reaches the Caribbean

    Columbus reaches the Caribbean
    In 1492 Colombus reached the Caribbean, Spanish settlements were built
  • 1494

    Spanish exploration

    Spanish exploration
    In 1494, the Spanish explored the Caribbean and also enslaved some of the natives living there.
  • 1502


    In 1502, Moctezuma II was elected "huey tlatoani", or as the emperor of the Aztec Triple Alliance.
  • 1507

    Coronation Conquests

    Coronation Conquests
    In 1507, Moctezuma had his coronation conquests.
  • 1517

    Expedition to the Yucatan coast

    Expedition to the Yucatan coast
    In 1517, the expedition of Francisco Hernández de Córdoba to the Yucatán coast began.
  • 1519

    Meeting of Cortes and Moctezuma

    Meeting of Cortes and Moctezuma
    In 1519, Cortes left Cuba to go on an expedition. After a while, on the 8th of November 1519 Cortes and Moctezuma met.
  • 1520

    Deaths, Coronation, Epidemic, and more deaths

    Deaths, Coronation, Epidemic, and more deaths
    In 1520, it was announced that Moctezuma had died. Cuitlahuac was coronated as the successor to Moctezuma. The next month there was a smallpox epidemic and Cuitlahuac died (most likely because of smallpox).
  • 1521

    Aztecs surrender

    Aztecs surrender
    In 1521, Cuauhtemoc was elected "huey tlatoani", or emperor, of Tenochtitlan. A siege was started against Tenochtitlan later on. In August, the Aztec defenders surrendered and Cuauhtemoc was captured.
  • 1530

    Spanish conquest of Guatemala

    Spanish conquest of Guatemala
    By 1530, the Spanish had successfully conquested Guatemala
  • 1532

    Francisco's trap

    Francisco's trap
    In 1532, Francisco Pizzaro was outnumbered by less than 200 troops to several thousand. He tricks the Incan emperor into coming to a feast. Then, Francisco Pizzaro opens fire on the unarmed Incans.
  • 1572

    Resistance to the Spanish ends

    Resistance to the Spanish ends
    In 1572, the last Incan empire falls and all resistance to the Spanish ends. The conquest is complete.