Jan 1, 1250
Aztecs settle near Lake Texcoco
Jan 1, 1325
City of Tenochtitlan is founded by the Aztecs on an island in Lake Texcoco
Tenochtitlan was a significant city because of its cleanliness and today is called Mexico City -
Jan 1, 1440
Montezuma I Begins his Rules
Montezuma was born into the nobility, and rose to the empire's highest position not by means of a hereditary claim, but after winning an election from the nobles -
Jan 1, 1502
Spanish bring small pox to the "New World" with them, causing an out break of the disease.
Jan 1, 1519
Cortes and the Spanish conquistadors arrive at Tenochtitlan
Conuistadors: A Spanish conquerors of Mexico and Peru in the sixteenth century.