Jan 1, 1168
Jan 1, 1200
The olmecs followed a a development in Soconusco and modern southwestern pacific lowland this was a developing thing, they where also the first major civilisation in Guatemala and Mexico. They lived in south-central Mexico on the lowlands. -
Jan 1, 1325
Aztecs finish building great temple at techtitlan - 1325
Jan 1, 1466
Montezuma ♊ stoned to death
Jan 1, 1475
Balboa reaches the Pacific Ocean
Balboa was a Spanish explorer, governor and also a conquistador. He was a poor uneducated man. It was 1501 when balboa set sail and explore the northern coast on present day Colombia. When he arrived he went off to try being a farmer but this didn’t work for him and so he took a ship and sailed away to Columbia to avoid financial responsibilities. -
Aug 1, 1498
Christapher Columbus lands on American continent
Jan 1, 1519
Balboa establishes first permanent settlement
Jul 1, 1520
La Noche Triste
Aug 13, 1521
Spanish capture Tenochtitlan
Jul 25, 1533
Atahualpa executed
Dec 2, 1547
Death of Cortes