Feb 17, 1519
Cortes sails for Mexico from Cuba
This was important because it showed Cortes' determination to explore Mexico -
May 11, 1519
Tlaxcalans attack the Spanish
The Tlaxcalans didn't want to be conquered by the Spanish -
May 20, 1519
Tlaxcalans form alliance with the Spanish
The Tlaxcalans decided to be allies to defeat the Aztecs. -
Jul 3, 1519
Moctezuma and Cortes meet
Cortes wanted to conquer the Aztecs for their gold. -
Aug 9, 1519
Cortes takes Moctezuma hostage
He took Moctezuma as hostage in the palace where he was staying. -
Oct 23, 1519
The Spanish massacre thousands of Aztecs while preparing for their religious festival
While the Aztecs were preparing for the festival, Cortes and his men surrounded the courtyard, they murdered nobles and priests. -
Feb 9, 1520
The Spanish retreat after the Aztecs gather arms
The Aztecs were outranged and fought ferociously. -
Mar 16, 1520
Moctezuma dies
Moctezuma got stoned by his people -
Apr 24, 1520
The Spanish attempt to escape from Tenochtitlan but are stopped by the Aztecs - later referred to as the Noche Triste
The Spanish tried to escape in the middle of the night. Later on the Aztecs discovered them and attacked from all sides. -
May 2, 1520
The Aztecs begin to die from smallpox
The Aztecs were exposed to this European disease known as smallpox -
Jun 25, 1520
The Spanish form a second attack on the now weakened Aztecs
Members of the Triple Alliance turned against the Aztecs when they saw the strength of the Spanish. Half the Aztec population died from smallpox so the Spanish attacked them. -
Aug 28, 1520
The last group of Aztecs surrender
Cortes prevented food/ water from entering the city as a result the Aztecs surrendered -
Apr 4, 1521
Cortes becomes governor and captain-general of New Spain
He built Mexico City on the ruins of the Aztecs