Spanish Civil War

  • Military uprising

    It begins on July 17 in Ceuta, Melilla and the Spanish Protectorate in Morocco and spreads throughout Spain the following day. The uprisings do not succeed in Madrid and Barcelona, ​​which are quickly controlled and in other cities due to lack of support, however, the division of the country (those of the left and those of the right) gives rise to the beginning of the Civil War.
  • Republican zone

    The Republic controlled the areas that appear in the image and its main supports were the popular classes (workers, peasants) since few soldiers remained faithful to the Republic. They received the support of the USSR (International Brigades).
  • National zone

    Los apoyos de los sublevados se basaban en los conservadores y católicos inspirados por el fascismo y que, militarmente, tenían mejor organización, disciplina y material al bando republicano. Recibieron el apoyo de Italia y Alemania (Legión Cóndor).
    No disponían de un poder supremo puesto que cada general ejercía sobre el espacio en el que operaba pero pronto se unificaron bajo la Junta de Defensa Nacional que eligió a Franco como Jefe.
  • Non-intervention Committee

    It is an international commitment not to intervene in the war, preventing its expansion across the continent (avoiding a world war) and prohibiting the sale of war material to both sides. Among the signatories were France, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Portugal, and the USSR; however, the fascist powers intervened, significantly affecting the outcome of the contest.
  • Negrín Government

    Este gobierno sustituyó al de Largo Caballero y prescindió de los ministros anarquistas. El PCE había ido aumentado su influencia situando hombres de confianza en puestos claves militares y políticos debido al respaldo que la URSS daba al bando republicano y, con ello, se pretendía alargar la guerra hasta llegar a una Guerra Mundial con el apoyo de los comunistas. Sin embargo, tras la caída de Cataluña (1939), se reconoce el gobierno de Franco.
  • Largo Caballero Government

    He tried to unify the political power of the State in order to properly direct the war. He took as measures the dissolution of the committees and the creation of a unified popular army. In the military units a political commissioner was established, which forced the militias to maintain greater discipline.
    The government fell in May 1937 after the conflict in Barcelona between the labor groups, and, in general, the slow centralization.
  • Battle of Guadalajara

    It was the last attempt to take Madrid that was carried out in March 1937 and in which the Italian offensive on Madrid failed. All the attempts to take Madrid failed and this supposed the extension of the war. In Madrid, mythical slogans such as "They will not pass, Madrid will be the grave of fascism" emerged to support those who were resisting the multiple attacks on the front.
  • Guernica

    Es un famoso cuadro de Pablo Picasso, cuyo título alude al bombardeo de Guernica. Se encargó su realización con el fin de atraer la atención del público hacia la causa republicana en plena Guerra Civil española.
    El bombardeo de Guernica (Operación Rügen) fue un ataque aéreo realizado sobre la población civil el 26 de abril, por parte de la Legión Cóndor alemana y la Aviación Legionaria italiana (bando sublevado).
  • The role of women

    Las mujeres realizaron servicios en los hospitales y fábricas, se encargaron de la asistencia a los refugiados y de la confección de ropa a los soldados. También se encargaron de gran parte de la propaganda.
    Al inicio de la guerra participaron en los combates algunas jóvenes milicianas republicanas pero pronto se ordenó su retirada por la supuesta falta capacidad femenina para la lucha y por la propagación de enfermedades venéreas.
  • Battle of the Ebro

    El objetivo de los republicanos era derrotar al ejército nacional o al menos prolongar la guerra civil para conectarla con una futura segunda guerra mundial. Sin embargo, las intenciones del gobierno del Frente Popular fracasaron y las divisiones republicanas, no sólo no consiguieron derrotar a su enemigo, sino que además acabó siendo una batalla de desgaste que les resultaría fatal y marcaría el resultado final.
  • Offensive in Catalonia

    As a consequence of the Battle of the Ebro, the rebels conquer Catalonia. This supposes the exile of thousands of refugees and the resignation of Azaña as President of the Republic. This war ends with the Coup d'Etat of Casado, supported by socialists, republicans and anarcho-syndicalists, to reach a peace agreement with Frnaco that led to the surrender of Madrid and the end of the Civil War.
  • Francisco Franco dictatorship

    He was a Spanish military man and dictator, member of the group of high military positions that gave the coup d'etat (1936) against the democratic Government of the Second Republic, giving rise to the Spanish Civil War. He was elected as supreme commander of the rebel side in October 1936, and served as dictator from the end of the conflict until his death (1975). His role in the Northern campaign and the Battle of Madrid stands out.