Spanish civil war troops battle streets nationalist 1936

Spanish Civil War

  • Uprising in Morocco

    Uprising in Morocco
    The July 17th all international brigades start arriveing from foreign countries, the forst one that comes is the Army of Morocco, which supports from the beginning the rebels.
  • Formation of the Rebelion

    Formation of the Rebelion
    The right wing leader José Calvo Sotelo was murdered by the left wing republicans, that anction made the general Francisco Franco declare thet the rebellion is creted, from there all the problems started, the spanish military forces, the army and the nationalists, started moving to the capital, Madrid.
  • Failure of the spanish Coup d'etat

    Failure of the spanish Coup d'etat
    On july 17th of 1936 the spanish army and nationalists organized a coup d'etat which ended in the separation of all the nationalist forces insted of transmitting the confianze to alll the true nationalist which were hidden so they could fight with the. This coup d'etat was the main reason of the division of Spain which will end in the Spanish Civil War.
  • Bad administration of the Republican Goverment

    Bad administration of the Republican Goverment
    The rebelion started taking the streets, the republicans asked for weapons to fight back, but the Provisional Goverment did not wanted to give those weapons, they did that because they wanted to negotiate with the rebels, so they did not gave weapons to their people, instead, the rebels got stronger and by the time the goverment decided to give up negotiating and give the weapons weapons it was too late, the rebels had already taken the streets. That was the start of the Spanish Civil War.

    After the coip d'etat Spain was divided in two sides, the republicans, who had the goverment of the country, and the other side were the nationalists, which were mainly the army and some nationalists.
  • The allies of Franco

    The allies of Franco
    Hitler and Mussolino wanted to support the general Franco in this war, they give advices to Franco in the way of managing the attacks against the militias, which were a group of voluntieers, inexperienced republicans. as well as that they gave more troops to the Army of Africa.
  • Going to Madrid

    Franco leaded the African army to Madrid from Morocco with the purpose of cutting the pass of the republicas for giveing support, while they were taking the Tajo Valley the General Emilio Mola came by the south, with the same purpose as Franco, his army took Gipuzkoa and cut the step of the french republicans.
  • Battle of Toledo

    Battle of Toledo
    The army of Franco won in Toledo against the Republicans' militia, this win gave a lot of hope to the nationalists,
  • Period: to

    The Battle of Madrid

    When the general Franco arrived to Madrid they found a lot of resistence by the side of the milicia. As well the goverment decided to evacuate the city. The attack took very long because the republicans go international troop aid for resistance.
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    Battle of Teruel

    This battle was a more defensive and decisive battle gy the side of the repubicans because if the nationalist win they are going to have Cataliña by their own and is going to be much more easy for the Nationalists to take Cataluña.
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    Northern attacks

    While Franco's army was taking the souther part of Spain inthe North the general Mola was taking Vizcaya, with the help of the Gernika bombing the Nationalist sid could take Vizcaya, the republicans were as well defendinf themselves, from Aragón they attacked so they could take lands from there no more, so in response of that they went to the other side,taking Asturias and Cantabria.
  • Presidential elections

    Juan Negrín is elected president of the goverment, the first thig he does is forbid the POUM, which was the "Partido Obrero Unificación Marxista".
  • Bishop's decision

    The spanish bishops recomend the people to joun the Movimiento Nacional which would impose to the citizens a totalitarian system, leaded by Franco.
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    Battle of the Ebro

    This battle was as well decisive for moral purposes, after wining this battle there were only a few more places which were from the republicans like Madrid, Cataluña and Valencia, but now catalaña has been taken by Franco after the defensive fail by the republicans in Teruel.
  • Republicans hope

    In October 25th the International Brigates left the republican by their own, there was a ceremony for them called the Farewell ceremony to the International Brigades.
  • Nationalists invades Cataluña

  • Republican surrender

    The republicans starts seeng that they are being cornered and they do not have no more forces at all, so in a negotiation with Franco the republicans try to have peace but franco wants the republicans to surrender, so the president of the republican goverment, Juan Negrín, in an action of cowardy, flee to France and leaves all the Republicans by their own.
  • Occupation of Madrid

    When the President of the goverment flees, the rebelio founds Madrid very easy to take so they occupy it the 31 March 1939

    The nationalists have all the spanish territories so they proclaim themselves as the war winners, of course the Republicans surrender because they have no other choice.