Spanish Civil war

  • International Context

    Great Britain and France didn´t want to provoke Germany and Hitler by supporting the republica, but before that, they didn´t wanted to consider the idea of a communist Spain. The big european countries signed a non intervention policy in the Spanish Civil War, this countries were: France, UK, Germany, Italy or the Soviet union.
  • Nationalist side

    Germany and Italy soon ignored the treaty signed and France and the Uk overlooked this flagrant violation.
    -Hitler brought in troops to Portugal, and Mussolini sent more men and presented Italian assistance.
  • Republican side

    The soviet union also ignored the treaty and was the main supplier of the republican side.
    The comintern call for volunteers to fight against fascism in Spain, this brought thousands of people from all over the world with the intention of fighting fascism and they were called the International Brigades.
  • The uprising

    July 17- The uprising starts in Morocco an the African troops are the most prepared and will bring a decisive support for the rebels.
    July 18- General Francisco Franco declares a state of war and arrives to Morocco to take control of the troops.
    July 19- The uprising is defeated In Madrid and Barcelona, and the cities of Valencia, Cataluña and Pais Vasco remain loyal to the government
  • Objective Madrid

    General Franco leads the African troops from the south, and General Emilio Mola commands the army from the north. by September Franco´s troops had take Badajoz and arrived in the Taco Valley. Mola´s troops had take Gipuzkoa and close the french borders to the republicans.
  • African troops are airlifted

    In the first week of August, Hitler and Mussolini provide Franco with planes to carry out the first major military airlift of troops from Africa to Sevilla.
  • Nationalist victory in Toledo

    On 28 September 1936, Franco turns his army south to Toledo where the Nationalist soldiers are resisting the republican siege in the Alcazar. Franco´s troops win a symbolic victory
  • The battle for Madrid

    November 1936- Nationalist troops reach the capital. the government decide to evacuate Madrid and go to Valencia.
  • The Northern Front

    From March to October 1937. The Gernika bombing helped the Nationalist win a decisive victory in Bizcaia. The mining zones of Asturias and Cantabria are also taken.
  • The Battle of Teruel

    From December 1937b to February 1938. It is one of the bitterest battles of the war. Nationalist gain a strategic victory that alows them to advance near the Mediterranean
  • The Battle of the Ebro

    From July to November 1938. The Republican government launches an all-out campaign to reconnect territory. It fails and Franco deploy mass forces to invade Cataluña.
  • The end of the war

    The Nationalist start a general offensive. On 28 March they occupy Madrid and by 31 they control all Spanish territory. The republican forces surrender. Franco claims victory on 1 April.