Guerra civil

Spanish Civil war

  • Bienio reformista

    This chapter occurs between 1931-1933, Alcalá Zamora was named like "the president of the republicans" and created the republican constitution with new civil rights. It also occured some catholic issues between them.
    In 1933 Spain voted again and the Bienio Conservador won, it was a right wing coalición this made the "Revolución de octubre" from the republican side. (The left wing side used not to respect the democracy)
  • July 17 1936 The War breaks out

    The war started because a Few years ago, Miguel Primo de Rivera with Alfonso XIII started a militar dictatorship, later municipal elections where convoced and the republican side won in the important cities such as Madrid.
    Alfonso XIII Left the country due the amount of walk outs and republican rebelion.
  • During 1933 and 1936

    During 3 years, the streets where very violence, people from the Falange and communist people where fighting each others day to day, left wing people burned up lot of convents and churches and the frente popular was created.
    The Frente popular was a coalition of the extremist left wing people such as communist and they used to fight with the Falange, that was the same thing but with the right wing.
    Francisco Franco Caudillo de España started to take the power over the state.
  • 1937

    During this years, Franco`s troops win a symbolic victory in Toledo on September 28.
    The battle of Madrid took place on Novemver 1936, The Republicans resisted.
    And for last, the Norther Front, the Republican offensive in Aragon to slow down the Nationalist.
  • 1938

    During this year, the battle of Teruel took place since December 12 of 1937 to February 1938 , in witch the Nationalist gain a strategic victory.
    The battle of the Ebro, from July to November 1938 Franco deploys mass forces to invaded Cataluña.
    The Republican started to lose their most fundamental territories, only Madrid, Valencia and a few other strongholds remain for the Republican forces.
  • 1939

    In March 1939, The republican army falls in Valencia, a nationalist council of defence was formed to negotiate a peace deal, but Franco only accepts an unconditional surrender. Juan Negrín, the president of the government, fleets to France.
  • End of the WAR

    The nationalists start a general offensive. They occupy Madrid 28 of March and by 31 of March of 1939 they control all Spanish Territory. The Republican forces finally surrender. And FRANCO PROCLAIMS VICTORY ON 1 APRIL.