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The Spanish Civil War

  • The start of the Civil War

    The start of the Civil War
    -July 17, the uprising starts in Morocco. The Army of Africa is the most prepared. Its support for the rebels is decisive.
  • Military coup d'état

    Military coup d'état
    -The general Francisco Franco, military commander of the Canary Islands, declares a state of war and arrives in Morocco to takes control of the troops.
    -On mainland Spain, Cádiz, Córdoba and Sevilla are controlled by rebels.
    -In the north, the coup is supported by military units in Pamplona, Burgos and Valladolid.
  • The uprising

    The uprising
    -The uprising is defeated in Madrid and Barcelona.
    -País Vasco, Cataluña and Valencia remain loyal to the government.
  • General Sanjurjo

    General Sanjurjo
    -At the beginning of the rebellion, a military council was in charge of rising.
    -The coup leader General Sanjurjo was killed in a plane crash on 20 July, leaving the command split between General Mola in the north, and General Franco in the south.
  • The African troops are airlifted

    The African troops are airlifted
    -In the first week of August, Hitler and Mussolini provide Franco with planes to carry out the first major military airlift of troops from Africa to Sevilla.
  • Objective Madrid

    Objective Madrid
    -General Franco leads the African troops from the south, and General Emilio Mola commands the army from the north.
    -By September, the Francoist troops take Badajoz and arrive in the Tajo Valley.
    -Mola´s troops in the north take Gipuzkoa and close the French border to the Republicans.
  • Nationalist victory in Toledo

    Nationalist victory in Toledo
    -Franco turns his army south to Toledo, where the Nationalist soldiers are resisting the Republican siege in the Alcázar.
    -Franco´s troops win a symbolic victory.
  • The Battle for Madrid

    The Battle for Madrid
    -Nationalist troops reach the capital.
    -The government decides to evacuate Madrid and head to Valencia.
    -International aid arrives in time, and the Republicans resist.
    -The Nationalists besiege Madrid for much of the war.
  • Germany and Italy recognised Franco's government

    Germany and Italy recognised Franco's government
  • Period: to

    The Northern front

    -The Gernika bombing helped the Nationalists gain a decisive victory in Bizcaia.
    -Despite the Republican offensive in Aragón to slow down the Nationalist advance, the strategic heavy industry and mining zones of Cantabria and Austrias are also taken.
  • Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista

    Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista
    -Franco ordered the amalgamation of the rightist political groups, including the Falange, Carlistas and Renovación Española, into one party, Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista (FET y de las JONS), know as "Movimiento Nacional", with himself as Caudillo (leader).
    -One part of the Falange was opposed to this, but it was severely repressed.
    - A one-party state was established.
  • Barcelona May Days

    Barcelona May Days
    -The two sides confronted, POUM and PCE, each other on the streets of Barcelona.
    -The Barcelona May Days brought about the fall of Largo Caballero.
    -Juan Negrín, backed by Soviet advisors, was named president of the new government.
    -POUM was declared illegal.
    -From then on, the slogan was "resist to win" in the hopes that the imminent European war would soon bring allies.
  • Spanish bishops publicly endorsed the Movimiento Nacionalista

    Spanish bishops publicly endorsed the Movimiento Nacionalista
  • Period: to

    The Battle of Teruel

    -It is one of the bitterest battles of the war.
    -Nationalists gain a strategic victory that allows them to advance towards the Mediterranean.
    -The Republican zone is now cut in two and Cataluña is isolated.
  • Period: to

    The Battle of the Ebro

    -The Republican government launches an all-out campaign to reconnect their territory.
    -It fails, and Franco deploys mass forces to invade Cateluña.
    -His troops enter Barcelona on 26 January 1939.
    -Only Madrid, Valencia and few other strongholds remained for the Republican forces.
  • Goodbye hopes for the republican side

    Goodbye hopes for the republican side
    -In October 1938 these hopes vanished when the International Brigades were dismissed as a consequence of Stalin´s friendship with Germany.
  • Civil War within the Civil War

    Civil War within the Civil War
    -A plot within the Republican Army causes the government in Valencia to fall.
    -A National Council of Defence is formed to negotiate a peace deal.
    -Franco only accepts an unconditional surrender.
    -Juan Negrín, the president of the government, flees to France.
  • National Catolitism

    National Catolitism
    -Franco´s government was recognised by France and Britain.
    -The Vatican followed suit.
    -National Catholicism, the ideological identify of Francoism, was established.
  • The end of the war

    The end of the war
    -The Nationalists start a general offensive.
    -On 28 March, they occupy Madrid, and by 31 March, they control all Spanish territory.
    -The Republican forces surrender.
    -Franco proclaims victory on 1 April.