Spanish civil war

  • The Uprising

    17 July. The uprising starts in Morocco. Its support for the rebels is decisive.
    18 July. General Francisco Franco, declares a state of war and arrives in Morocco to take control of the troops.
    19 July. The uprising is defeated in Madrid and Barcelona. Pais Vasco, Cataluña and Valencia remain loyal to the goverment.
  • Airlifted of the African troops

    Airlifted of the African troops
    Hithler and Mussolini provide Franco with planes to carry out the first mayor military airlift of troops from Africa to Sevilla.
  • Objective Madrid

    Objective Madrid
    General Franco leads the African troops from the south and Emilio Mola commands the army from the north. Mola troops take Gipuzkoa and close French border.
  • Nationalist victory in Toledo

    Nationalist victory in Toledo
    Franco turns his army south to Toledo where the Nationalist soldiers are resisting. Franco´s troops win with a symbolic victory.
  • The battle for Madrid

    The battle for Madrid
    Nationalist troops reach the capital. The governnment decides to evacuate Madrid and head to valencia. International aid arrives in time and the republicans resist.
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    The Northern front

    The Gernika bombing helped the Nationalists gain a decisive victoryin Bizcaia. In spite of the Republican offensive in Aragón to slow down the Nationalist advance, the strategic heavy industry and mining zones of Cantabria and Asturias are also taken.
  • The amalgamation of the rightist political groups

    Franco ordered the amalgamation of the rightist poliitical groups, including the Falange, Carlistas and Renovacion Española, into the one party, and his leader was Caudillo.
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    The Battle of Teruel

    It is one of the bitterest battles of the war. Nationalists gain a strategic victory than allows to advance towards the mediterranean. The Republican zone is now cut in two and Cataluña is isollated.
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    The Battle of the Ebro

    The Republican government launches an all-out campaignn to reconnect their territory. It fails and Franco deploys mass forces to Cataluña.
  • Civil war within the Civil war

    Civil war within the Civil war
    A plot within the Republican Army causes the government in Valencia to fall. A national Council of Defence is formed to negociate a peace deal. Franco only accepts an unconditional surrennder. The president of the government flees to France.
  • The end of the war

    The end of the war
    The Nationalists start a general offensive. On 28 March, they occupy Madrid and by 31 March, they control all Spanish territory. The Republicans forces surrender. Franco proclaims victory on 1 April.