Bandera aguila san juan


  • Support for the Nationalists

    Support for the Nationalists
    Germany and Italy ignored the threat and helped the Nationalists. Hitler gave troops through Portugal and the famous Condor Legion.
    Mussolini gave troops.
    (The date is not exactly)
  • The uprising

    The uprising
    In July 17 the uprising starts in Morocco. The army of Africa is the most prepared.
    July 18: General Francisco Franco, that was in Canary Islands declares a state of war and arrives Morocco. On mainland Spain, Cádiz, Córdoba and Sevilla and are controlled by the rebels. In the north the coup is supported by military units.
    In July 19 the uprising is defeated in Madrid and Barcelona. País Vasco, Cataluña and Valencia still loyal to the government.
  • General Sanjurjo dies and Mola replaces him

    General Sanjurjo dies and Mola replaces him
    General Sanjurjo was killed in a plane crash and General Emilio Mola replaces him.
  • Division into two sides in Spain

    Division into two sides in Spain
    After a failure of a coup of the army´s officers, spain was divided into two zones defended by two sides the sides that would face in the civil war. The sides were:
    The Nationalists - held a third of the country. The coup was succesful in some areas like Zaragoza, Granada and Sevilla. Set up a military state.
    The Republican side - control over important cities. Improvised and inexperienced army formed by the militia. Instructed by Communists.
  • Non-Intervention policy

    Was a threat between twenty-seven countries to not intervent in the Spanish Civil War.
  • Hitler and Mussolini provide troops

    Hitler and Mussolini provide troops
    Hitler and Mussolini provided troops to Franco from Africa to Sevilla through planes.
  • Objective Madrid

    Objective Madrid
    General Franco leads the southern troops and General Emilio Mola the northern. By September Francoist troops take Badajoz and arrived to Tajo Valley. Mola take Gipuzkoa and close French borders to the Republicans.
  • Coalition government of Largo Caballero

    Coalition government of Largo Caballero
    He formed a coalition government in Valencia to unify the Republic and organise the army. There were parties that thinked that was neccesary to make a revolutionandother tinked that the victory was more important.
  • Franco´s consolidation of power

    Franco´s consolidation of power
    In September 1936 the Nationalists appointed General Franco as the leader and called him "Generalísimo". Franco had the support of the monarchs of that period. The Nationalists established the government in Burgos
  • Nationalist victory in Toledo

    Nationalist victory in Toledo
    In September 1936 Franco went to Toledo and siege the Alcázar where General Moscardó was resisting with his troops to the Republican troops. They won a simbolic victory.
  • Support for the Republic

    Support for the Republic
    The Soviet Union also passed away the threat and was the main aid of the Republic. They helpèd with the Operation X which included armaments, soldiers and advisors. The Soviet Union asked for Spain´s gold reserves. Due to the distances the operation was long and expensive because Germany and Italy had control over the Mediterranean. The Comitern call for volunteers and join the International Brigades.
  • The Battle for Madrid

    The Battle for Madrid
    Nationalists reach the capital and the government evacuates Madrid and went to Valencia. The Republicans resist and the Nacionalists besiege Madrid for much of the war.
  • Germany and Italy recognise Franco as leader

  • Battle of Teruel

    Battle of Teruel
    One of the bitterest battles of the war. Nationalists gain a a strategic victory dividing the Republican zone in two and isolating Cataluña.
  • Period: to

    The Northern front

    The Gernika bombing helped the Nationalists gain a decisive victory in Bizcaia. The Republicans attack in Aragón to slow down the Nationalists, but they take a strategic heavy industry and mining zones of Cantabria and Asturias are also taken.
  • Creation of FET and JONS

    Creation of FET and JONS
    Franco ordered to join the Falange, Carlistas and Renovación Española into one party: Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista (FET and JONS) known as `Movimiento Nacional´calling himself as Caudillo. A one party state was established.
  • Bombing of Gernica

    Bombing of Gernica
    The German Condor Legion bombed Gernika-Lumo in Vizcaya. The Spanish painter Pablo Picasso painted in an abstracted way the situation in that city.
  • Barcelona May Days

    Barcelona May Days
    In May 1937 the two sides confronted in the streets of Barcelona. Largo Caballero was changed by Juan Negrín and the POUM (a Marxist party)was illegalized)
  • Bishops endorsed the Movimiento Nacional

  • Period: to

    Battle of the Ebro

    A Republican plan fails and Franco entered in Barcelona on 26 January of 1939. Valencia and Madrid were the last important cities that the Republicans owned.
  • Flee of the government

    Flee of the government
    a plot within the Republican Army causes the government in Valencia to fall. Franco negociate with Juan Negrín and asked for an unconditional surrender, and the president flees.
  • Recognition of Franco´s government

    Recognition of Franco´s government
    France, Britain and the Vatican recognise Franco´s government. The National Catholism was identify in Francoism
  • The end of the war

    The end of the war
    On 28 of March the Nationalists occupy Madrid and the 31 of March, they control all Spanish territory. Franco proclaims victory the 1 April.