Spanish Civil War

  • General Francisco Franco and the Nationalist Army captures Badajoz

  • José Castillo, an officer in Republican Assault Guards, is asssassinated by Falangists

  • Monarchist leader, José Calvo Sotelo is murdered in revenge for Castillo's death.

  • Successful military uprising in Morocco and Seville.

  • General Francisco Franco issues manifesto that seeks to justify rebellion.

  • Dolores Ibarruri makes her "No Pasaran" radio speech.

  • General Jose Sanjurjo killed in air crash

  • British Labour Party expresses its support for Popular Front government.

  • José Giral, the Spanish prime minister, appeals to the French government for arms

  • General Emilio Mola establishes a Committee of National Defence

  • Antifascist Miltias Committee establish the Anarchist Brigade.

  • Rebel forces capture Granada

  • dolf Hitler agrees to give military aid to General Francisco Franco

  • Comintern agrees to establish International Brigades.

  • German aircraft arrive in Morocco and begins transporting Nationalist troops to Spain.

  • Nine Italian bombers arrive in Morocco.

  • eon Blum announces France's policy of non-intervention in Spanish Civil War.

  • General Francisco Franco establishes his headquarters in Seville.

  • France closes its border and stops volunteers crossing into Spain

  • Indalecio Prieto appeals on radio for an end to the Red Terror

  • The first International Brigades volunteers reach Spain.

  • Nationalists massacre Republicans in Badajoz.

  • Stanley Baldwin announces ban on the export of arms to Spain

  • Federico Garcia Lorca is murdered by Falangist in Viznar.

  • Nationalist authorities introduce conscription.

  • Nationalist forces bomb Madrid for the first time.

  • Francisco Largo Caballero forms new Republican government.

  • Nationalist Army take Irun and close the border with France.

  • José Aguirre forms an autonomous Basque government.

  • Representatives of 27 countries form Non-Intervention Committee in London.

  • Alexander Orlov of the NKVD arrives in Spain.

  • Nationalist generals select Francisco Franco to become chief of state.

  • Alvarez del Vayo pleads the Republic's case at the League of Nations.

  • Republican goventment approves Basque autonomy.

  • Francisco Franco first cabinet includes his brother, three generals and a diplomat

  • 650 members of the International Brigades arrive at Alicante

  • The first aid from the Soviet Union arrives in Spain.

  • General José Miaja placed in charge of the defence of Madrid.

  • 510 tons of gold from the Bank of Spain is sent to the Soviet Union.

  • Nationalist troops reach the western and southern suburbs of Madrid.

  • Brunete captured by the Nationalist Army.

  • Nationalist forces begin siege of Madrid.

  • Republican government moves from Madrid to Valencia

  • International Brigades and peoples' militias repulse Nationalist assault on Madrid.

  • Non-Intervention Committee concludes that there is no evidence of foreign intervention in Spain

  • Buenaventura Durruti arrives in Madrid with his Anarchist Brigade.

  • Condor Legion, a squadron of the Luftwaffe, in action for the first time.

  • Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini recognise Franco's regime.

  • Buenaventura Durruti killed while defending Madrid.

  • Miguel Primo de Rivera, leader of the Falange Española, executed in Alicante.

  • Nationalists attempted to cut the Madrid-La Coruna road to the north-east of Madrid.

  • Andres Nin is ousted from the government

  • Communists insist on the removal of the POUM from the Catalan government.

  • Volunteers from Italy arrive in Spain to fight for the Nationalists.

  • President Franklin D. Roosevelt bans the export of arms to Spain

  • An anarchist rising in Bilbao is repressed.

  • The FAL and POUM demonstrate in Barcelona in favour of social revolution.

  • General Gonzalo Queipo de Llano and Nationalist Army take Malaga

  • The International Brigades halt the Nationalist advance at Jarama.

  • The Communist Party Congress demands that the POUM be elimated.

  • Italian Corps take Guadalajara.

  • General Emilio Mola opens the Nationalist offensive in the Basque region.

  • Francisco Franco unites the Falange Espanola with the Carlists to form a single party.

  • The Condor Legion bombs Guernica, the Basque capital in Northern Spain.

  • Anarchists and Syndicalists revolt in Barcelona against the authoritarian rule of government.

  • Francisco Largo Caballero dispatches Assault Guard to Barcelona.

  • Uprising in Barcelona suppressed by the Republican Army.

  • Francisco Largo Caballero is replaced by Juan Negrin as head of the Republican government.

  • Andres Nin is arrested and charged with conspiring with General Francisco Franco.

  • Nationalist Army captures Bilbao.

  • Andres Nin, leader of POUM, is murdered by agents from the Soviet Union.

  • Paul Robeson makes important speech on the war at the Albert Hall in London.

  • Nationalist forces take Santander.

  • Nationalists bomb Madrid for the first time.

  • The CNT withdraws from the Popular Front government.

  • Nationalist aircraft bombs Barcelona.

  • Republican Army capture the city of Teruel from the Nationalists.

  • General Francisco Franco includes first civilians in his government.

  • Nationalist Army captures the Republican town of Vinaroz.

  • All foreign troops fighting for the Republican Army leave the frontline

  • President Manuel Azaña crosses the border into exile.

  • Segismundo Casado and Julián Besteiro establish anti-Negrin National Defence Junta.

  • Nationalist Army captures Valencia.

  • Francisco Franco announces the end of the Spanish Civil War.