St agustine fort

Spanish Carribean Colonization Timeline

  • Jan 18, 1501

    African slaves enter the New World

    African slaves enter the New World
    For the first time, Spanish settlers bring African slaves to the New World.
  • Apr 2, 1513

    Exploration of La Florida

    Exploration of La Florida
    Ponce de Leon begins his exploration of La Florida. He was accomponied by free Africans Juan Garrido and Juan Gonzalez.
  • Jan 1, 1526

    Settlement of San Miguel de Gualdape established

    Settlement of San Miguel de Gualdape established
    Lucas Vazquez de Allyon expidition brings to North America, for the first time, enslaved Africans. In this expedtion Vasquez de Allyon established the settlement of San Miguel de Gualdelape, the first European settlement in the geographic United States.
  • Jan 1, 1528

    Attempted Tampa Bay Settlement

    Attempted Tampa Bay Settlement
    Panfilo Narvez attempted to settle the area near Tampa Bay with a party of 600 people, including slaves. However, the attempts were dismantled by a Hurricane and lack of supplies.
  • Jan 1, 1536

    Tampa Bay survivors explore the Gulf Coast

    Tampa Bay survivors explore the Gulf Coast
    Four survivors of the Tampa Bay settlement wandered the wilderness for eight years, eventually reaching the Gulf Coast. An African slave by the name of Estevancio esnures thier survival by learning to communicate with natives while on their jounrey.
  • May 18, 1539

    Hernando de Soto explores Florida

    Hernando de Soto explores Florida
    Accompanied by both enslaved and free Africans, Hernando de Soto explores Florida and much of the present-day Southeastern United States
  • Spain offers freedom to slaves

    Spain offers freedom to slaves
    The Spanish goevrnment in Florida grants to all slaves from English settlments so long as they convert to Catholicism.
  • Period: to

    Hundreds of slaves escape to Florida

    Slaves escape from Georgia and the Carolinas by the hundreds, and flee to Florida.
  • Fort Mose is established

    Fort Mose is established
    Francisco Menendez, an escaped slave from the Carolinas gave help to the Spanish in defending Florida from the British in exchange for his freedom. He then established Fort Mose, the first settlement for free Africans in the geographical United States.
  • Fort Mose is captured

    Fort Mose is captured
    English invaders capture Fort Mose, temporarily. Soon after, it was recaptured by Blacks and Spaniards.