Spanish American War by callie morgan easton

  • Period: to

    Spanish American War

  • U.S. attempt to purchase cuba

    U.S. attempt to purchase cuba
    In 1854, diplomats recommended to President Franklin Pierce that the United States buy Cuba from Spain. The Spanish responded by saying that they would rather see Cuba sunk in the ocean. But American interest in Cuba continued. When the Cubans rebelled against Spain between 1868 and 1878, American sympathies went out to the Cuban people. The Cuban revolt against Spain was not successful.
  • Valeriano Weyler was sent to Cuba by Spain

    Valeriano Weyler was sent to Cuba by Spain
    Spain sent Valeriano Weyler as a response to the Cuban revolt. He was sent to restore order. Weyler herded the entire rural population of the central and western Cuba into barbed wire concentration camps. There were around 300,000 Cubans filled the camps. Hunger and disease killed thousands
  • Publication of the De Lome Letter

    Publication of the De Lome Letter
    The letter which criticized president McKinley calling him “weak” and a bidder for the administration and crowds” was leaked and published to the newspaper. This embarrassed the Spanish government who then apologized. The Spanish administrator resigned. Americans were still angry by what had happened.
  • Explosion of the USS Maine

    Explosion of the USS Maine
    The Maine had been sent to Cuba on a friendly visit to protect the interests of Americans. The U.S. naval court of inquiry stated that the Maine had been blown up by a mine. The press immediately blamed Cuba for the explosion. Many failed attempts were made to resolve the matter. These failed attempts then led to the start of The Spanish American War.
  • U.S. declares war on Spain

    U.S. declares war on Spain
    President McKinley declared the war after a week of debate. It began April 20th 1898. The Americans favored the war. The U.S. were much more motivated than the Spanish. The U.S. was more able to supply their troops.
  • U.S. attack on Manila Bay

    U.S. attack on Manila Bay
    At Manila Bay in the Philippines, the U.S. Squadron destroyed the Spanish Pacific fleet in the first battle of the Spanish-American War. Commodore George Dewey engaged and destroyed the Spanish Pacific Squadron under Admiral Patricio Montojo. It was one of the first major engagements of the Spanish American War. It was also one of the most decisive naval battles.
  • Spanish Surrender to the Philippians

    Spanish Surrender to the Philippians
    The battle was one of the most decisive naval battles in history and marked the end of the Spanish colonial period in Philippine history. As Manila Bay was considered unnavigable at night by foreigners, Montojo expected an attack the following morning. Soon after Spanish surrenders Phlipeans see the Americans are not leaving and America made an evil empire.
  • U.S forces invade Cuba

    U.S forces invade Cuba
    American forces landed in Cuba June 1898. The army of 17,000 included four African-American regiments of the regular army and the Rough Riders.
  • Battle for Kettle/San Juan Hill

    Battle for Kettle/San Juan Hill
    Roosevelt assisted the Ninth and Tenth Cavalries (aka Rough Riders) in the battle of San Juan Hill. The 9th and 10th Cavalry regiments were the first up Kettle Hill. San Juan Hill was taken soon after. The First U.S. Volunteer Cavalry Regiment, moved up the slopes and drove the Spanish soldiers from the entrenchments at the top. The U.S. overtook the Spanish. It was an important part of the war.
  • Destruction of the Spanish Fleet

    Destruction of the Spanish Fleet
    On July 3, the Spanish fleet was destroyed off Santiago by U.S. warships under Admiral William Sampson. On July 17 the Spanish surrendered the city–and thus Cuba–to the Americans.
  • Capture of Puerto Rico

    Capture of Puerto Rico
    During the Spanish American War, Puerto Rico was invaded. There was very little fight from the spanish. General Nelson A. Miles was able to overtake Puerto Rico by mid August. After signing an armistice with Spain, the flag of the United States, was raised. When the treaty of paris was signed, Puerto Rico officially became part of the United States of ‘Merica.
  • Armistice is Signed Between U.S. and Spain

    Armistice is Signed Between U.S. and Spain
    In August 12th 1898, after a long one sided war. Spain finally and formally agreed to a peace protocol. It is signed between the U.S. and Spain. This armistice sets rules that brought peace between the U.S. and Spain. The armistice being signed meant the Spanish was giving up.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris gives us the official empire we were looki ng for. Also known as the Peace of Paris It ended the war of independence and granted the thirteen colonies political freedom. The Philipians were bought for $20 million. Americans forced people to be out allies.
  • Naval Blockade of Cuba

    Naval Blockade of Cuba
    Oct. 22, 1962. On this day in 1962, President John F. Kennedy imposed a U.S. naval blockade of Cuba after U.S. spy planes found Soviet missile sites on the Communist-ruled island.Kennedy delivered a public address alerting Americans to the situation. In his speech, he warned a frightened American public that the missiles on Cuba were capable of hitting Washington, D.C. or anywhere in the southeastern portion of the country, the Panama Canal, Mexico City or as far north as Hudson Bay, Canada, and
  • Jose Marti led cuba's second war for independence

    Jose Marti led cuba's second war for independence
    Jose Marti aka the Apostle of the Cuban Revolution. Jose was born January 28th 1853. To free Cuba, Martí joined forces with Máximo Gómez and Antonio Maceo. He raised funds from Cuban exiles and political organizations to support their efforts. He died on May 19 during some fighting in Dos Rios.
  • The yellow press began to shape american public opinion with respect to cuba's civil war

    The yellow press began to shape american public opinion with respect to cuba's civil war
    William Randolph Hearst is famous for having used his newspapers to push America’s involvement in the war. Hearst used yellow journalism by constantly trying to make the Spanish look as bad as possible. The yellow journalists were especially effective in pushing the US into the war after the sinking of the USS Maine in the harbor of Havana, Cuba. The newspapers had said that Spain had attacked the ship. There were even illustrations that proved Spain had done it.
  • Cuba's first war of independence

    Cuba's first war of independence
    The first large-scale war for Cuban independence began on October 10 1868 with a historic speech known as the Grito de Yara by slave-owner Carlos Manuel de Céspedes. Céspedes freed his slaves and declared war on the Spanish crown.
    It was also called the 10 year war, the last 3 months of the war United States got into the war with Cuba and Spain that’s why it’s called the Spanish-American war.