Spanish American War

  • U.S Attempts to Purchase Cuba

    U.S Attempts to Purchase Cuba
    The U.S had always been interested in Cuba but Spain would not sell it to us. This grew Americans' distaste for Spain.
  • Cuba's First War for Independence

    Cuba's First War for Independence
    Cubans rebelled against Spain and split off to create the Republic of Cuba. Cubans couldn't organize around a common goal so the war was unsuccessful. They were, however, able to abolish slavery later on and after that, the U.S began investing a lot of money into sugar plantations.
  • Jose Marti led Cuba's Second War

    Jose Marti led Cuba's Second War
    Jose Marti would deliberately destroy property, especially sugar mills and plantations. He would provoke the U.S in hope that they could achieve a free Cuba. Some Americans thought they should help Spain to protect their investments in Cuba. Others wanted to support the Cuban's need for freedom. This divided the U.S into what they should do with their involvement in Cuba and Spain.
  • Valeriano Weyler

    Valeriano Weyler
    Spain sent Valeriano Weyler to settle the people in Cuba. He forced the population of Cuba into concentration camps so that they couldn’t help the rebels. There wasn’t enough food or resources in the camps so thousands of people died. His actions started a newspaper war in the U.S.
  • Yellow Press

    Yellow Press
    Reporters and newspaper writers would exaggerate what Weyler was doing in Cuba. Americans would sympathize with the rebels after reading and seeing pictures of the cruelty. This brought on the urge for war.
  • The De Lome Letter

    The De Lome Letter
    A Cuban rebel had stolen a secret letter written by the Spanish Minister. The letter called the U.S president at the time, William Mckinley, weak and criticized him. The letter was published in the New York Journal. Americans grew even angrier at Spain for insulting their president which just added fire to the flame. The Spanish government apologized and the minister resigned however people were still upset.
  • U.S.S Maine Explodes

    U.S.S Maine Explodes
    The Ship was sent to Cuba to pick up Americans who were in danger of the fighting. It blew up in Havana and more than 260 men were killed. American newspapers claimed it was the Spaniards who blew up the ship and offered a $50,000 reward to whoever caught the people behind the attack. This was the last straw for Americans.
  • US Declares War on Spain

    US Declares War on Spain
    The public wanted war and a week after McKinley asked congress, they agreed to go to war with Spain. This is the official start of the war against Spain.
  • Naval Blockade of Cuba

    Naval Blockade of Cuba
    William T. Samson put a blockade around Cuba which stopped the Spanish in the Harbor of Santiago. This stopped Spain from entering or exiting Cuba and helped the US take control.
  • US Attack on Manila Bay

    US Attack on Manila Bay
    The US opened fire on the Capital of the Philippines. The US had destroyed every Spanish ship on Manila bay within a few hours. It was the first battle of the war and the US won. The US was able to then invade and take over the Philippine Islands. This battle showed how much naval force the United States had.
  • US Invades Cuba

    US Invades Cuba
    Americans landed on the harbor of Santiago. It led to many battles that would lead to the end of the war.
  • Battle of San Juan Hill

    Battle of San Juan Hill
    It was the most famous land battle that involved the rough riders and two other calvaries. They bravely charged uphill and cleared a way for an infantry attack on San Juan Hill. This led to the destruction of the Spanish fleet.
  • Destruction of the Spanish Fleet

    Destruction of the Spanish Fleet
    The Spanish fleet tried to escape from the infantry strike but they ran into the US naval blockade and were completely destroyed. America's battle strategies worked as they hoped and now the US was on the verge of winning.
  • The Capture of Puerto Rico

    The Capture of Puerto Rico
    The US invaded and took control of Puerto Rico. It was one of Spain's last possessions in the Caribbean.
  • Spanish Surrender the Phillipines

    Spanish Surrender the Phillipines
    11,000 Americans and some Filipinos, who also wanted freedom, forced the Spanish to Surrender on Manila. It was a big win for the United States, as the war was coming to an end.
  • Armistice Signed

    Armistice Signed
    Spain and the United States signed a cease-fire that ended the war. Spain would later give land to America.
  • The Treaty of Pari

    The Treaty of Pari
    Spain and the US came to an agreement and signed the treaty. The United States would get Guam and Puerto Rico. Spain freed Cuba and sold the Philippines to the US.