
Spanish-American War

  • Cuba Declares Independence From Spain

    Cuba declared independence from Spain because of the way Spain was treating the citizens.
  • USS Maine Explodes

    USS Maine Explodes
    Spain shot the USS Maine while it was in the Havana harbor of cuba
  • US Declares War On Spain

    President McKinley asks Congress to go to war with Spain
  • The Battle Of Manila Bay

    The Battle Of Manila Bay
    The first battle of the Spanish-American War.The US defeated the Spanish in Manila Bay.
  • Battle Of San Juan Hill

    Battle Of San Juan Hill
    The Spanish and the Americans engaged in battle on San Juan Hill.The Spanish were using it as a base and the Americans wanted them to get off it.The US ends up capturing the hill
  • Battle Of Santiago de Cuba

    Battle Of Santiago de Cuba
    US fought Spain with their navy.The US defeated Spain.
  • Siege of Santiago

    Siege of Santiago
    The Spanish fought the Americans on land after they were defeated in the water.US won the battle.
  • Peace Protocol

    Peace Protocol
    An armistice that ends the fighting but doesn't really end the war.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    US and Spain signed the Treaty of Paris.US got Cuba, Portugal,and much more.