Spanish american war

Spanish American War

  • Purchase of Alaska

    Purchase of Alaska
    Seward was the secretary of state under presidents Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. In 1867 Seward arranged the purchase of Alaska from Russia, without asking the U.S government. He bought Alaska for $7.2 million.
    Link: Textbook pg. 258,
  • Queen Liliuokalani

    Queen Liliuokalani
    Liliuokalani became leader of Hawaii. She received a Western education and toured the world. She was the first queen of Hawaii.She resisted the foreign takeover of Hawaii, and inspired a revolt against the planters.
    Link: Textbook pg.259
  • Jose Marti

    Jose Marti
    Jose Marti was elected to lead the Cuban Revolutionary Party. At the Party's Headquarters in New York City, Marti began to plan a revolt against Spain that began in 1895. Marti's lifelong struggle for Cuban independence made him a symbol of liberty throughout Latin America.
    Link: Textbook pg. 260
  • U.S.S Maine, off to Cuba

    U.S.S Maine, off to Cuba
    Mckinley sent the U.S.S maine to Cuba. Riots had broken out in the capital, Havana, and the battleship was dispatched to protect U.s citizens.
    Link: Textbook pg. 261,
  • U.S.S Explosion

    U.S.S Explosion
    The Maine exploded and sank in Havana's harbor, killing 260 sailors. No one knows what caused the explosion. Most historians today believe that it was an accident. A spark might have set off an explosion in the ship's coal bunker.
    Link: Textbook pg. 1898
  • Spanish American War began

    Spanish American War began
    McKinley signed a congressional resolution that called for Cuban's independpendence and dependence a withdrawl of Spanish forces. he gave gave 3 days to respond. Spain refused, and the Spanish American War began!
    Link: Textbook pg.262
  • Battle of Manilla Bay

    Battle of Manilla Bay
    The Battle began early morning. Little past noon, Dewey's forces had destroyed the Spanish. About 380 Spanish sailors were dead or wounded. No American U.S troops died, aided by the Filipino rebels,took control of Manila in Auugust. Dewey became an instant hero in the United States.
    Link:Textbook pg. 262
  • The Rough Riders at San Juan Hill

    The Rough Riders at San Juan Hill
    U.S troops and the Rough Riders attacked San Juan Hill outside of Santiago, Cuba. 2 days later, American ships destroyed Spain's fleet as it tried to escape Santiago Harbor. On July 17, the city surrendered. A week later, U.S forces took Puerto Rico.
    Link: Textbook pg. 264
  • Peace Treaty

    Peace Treaty
    Although the War had been fought over Cuba, U.S leaders demanded that spain give up other colonies after the War including Puerto Rico, The island of Guam, and the Philippines. Spain had no choice but to agree. The final peace treaty was signed in Paris in December 1898.
    Link: Textbook pg. 264
  • The Canal Zone

    The Canal Zone
    Panamanian leaders granted the U.S government rights to a ten-mile-wide strip of island called the Canal Zone. In return the U.S paid Panama $10 million and an annual fee of $250,000. There the U.S would build the Panama Canal.
    Link: Textbook pg. 268