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Spanish American War

  • suspicion

    Spain was suspected of sinking the US Battleship Maine and Yellow Journalism.
  • The Beggining

    The US declares war on spain
  • The First Battle

    The first battle between the Americans and the Spanish, which the Americans won.
  • Moving In

    US troops land in Cuba
  • Another Victory

    The US Army defeats Spanish in the battle of San Juan Heights
  • Total Victory

    The US troops have a total victory against the Spanish army at Santiago Bay in Cuba
  • Surrender

    The Spanish surrender to the Americans at Santiago Bay in Cuba
  • The Protocol of Peace

    Both sides signed the protocol of peace, ending the tension between the two
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris was signed by the representatives of the government from both the US and Spain
  • Gaining Control

    The US gains complete control over Puerto Rico, Guam, Cuba, and the Philippines