Spain's Invation of the Aztecs

By e.duu
  • Feb 1, 1519

    Cortes Sails to Mexico from Cuba

    Cortes lands on shores of Mexico
  • Apr 18, 1519

    The last group of Aztec surrender

    The Aztec warriors felt that Moctezuma was useless,and diminished their reputation. they desterted him and leaving him hostage with the Spanish
  • Nov 1, 1519

    Tlaxcalans form alliance with the Spanish

    Cortes stayed in the city of Tlaxcala, and forged an alliance with the tlazcalans to bring down Tenochtitlan.
  • Nov 8, 1519

    Moctezuma and Cortes meet

    Cortes meets Moctezuma in Tenochtilan. Moctezuma was immediatly informed. He sent emissaries to the newcomers
  • Apr 23, 1520

    The Aztecs Begins To Die From Smallpox

    After Corted landed in Mexico, another Spanish army came from Cuba to make sure he followed orders, Cortes would have none of that and went to fight them.In this new group was an African being held as a slave who had smallpox. One of Cortes men contracted the diesease. When they returned the Aztec army quickly overwhelmed in the Spanish, killing many and causing the rest to retreat many soldiers was killed and likely when their body looted an Aztec caught the disease.
  • Jun 29, 1520

    Moctezuma Dies

    Moctezuma's death was unknown but Cores reported that Moctezuma dies wounded by a stone thrown by his countrymen, and the indinenous accounts claimed Moctezuma was killed by the Spanish prior to their leaving the city
  • Jul 1, 1520

    Spanish tries to escape Tenoctitlan but stopped by Spanish

    The Spanish tried to escape Tenochtitlan in the middle of the night to make their way to the coast, but the Aztec discovered them and attacked. The Aztec attacked them from all sides. Most of the Spanish was carrying stolen gold
  • Feb 1, 1521

    The Spanish massacre thousands of Aztecs while preparing for their religious festival

    For six months Cortes and his people remained in tenochtitlan. The Aztecs began preparing for the main annual festival honouring their god Huitsilopochtil. Nobles, priests gathered the courtyard.
  • Feb 15, 1521

    Spanish retreat after the Aztec gather arms

    The Aztec gathered their arms, and fought, the Spanish had to etreat to Cortes palace away from the centre of the city.
  • Aug 13, 1521

    Cortes takes Moctezuma hostage

    Cortes was afraid the Aztec will soon get rid of him, so Cortes took Moctezuma hostage and asked for a huge ransom of gold and jewels.
  • Apr 16, 1522

    Cortes became governor and Captin-General of New Spain

    After the siege ended, the Spanish detroyed the city. Everything was ruined. They filled causeways with rubble so no one could escape by boat. So Cortes became the governor and captin General of New Spain